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"Yup, and then I said, fine I'll do it." I finished explaining Langa what happened yesterday with Masa-san and the whole Canada situation while we were waiting for Reki.

"I see. But you need a new board first." He nodded, understanding.
"If you don't win...that means..." He looked up at me, tightening his grip around his skateboard.

"That I will be leaving you guys." I sighed, leaning against the pole.

We stayed silent until I spoke up again.

"Yes." He replied, looking in the direction where Reki is coming from which I didn't notice.

"Does Reki have someone he likes?" I asked, slowly turning my gaze to Langa only to see Reki just arriving.



"Morning Reki!" Langa smiled, hand checking with Reki.

"R-Reki! Morning!" I stuttered, clearing my throat after.
"M-morning." He also stuttered, avoiding my gaze.

Don't tell me we will stay like this....

"Let's go to school, shall we?" Langa smiled brightly, happy to be back in the gang, not noticing our weird behaviour.

"L-let's do that!" I quickly turned around, speeding to school alongside them.

"So what did you say just now, Y/N?" Langa turned to me.

"H-huh?! Uhm, it's okay! Nothing!" I laughed awkwardly, quickly turning my gaze back on the ground.

Come on, Y/N....you practiced all night to talk to Reki...


"I'm home!" Reki yelled as we quickly made our way to the garage of Reki's house.

"Welcome!" His mom yelled back.
"Wait, Langa! Take this cake with you!" She stopped Langa while we continued walking to the garage.


"Alright. We will build one quickly." Reki spoke up, immediately throwing his bag on the floor and grabbing a piece of wood.

I did the same, getting the machine for him to cut it.

As I gave it to him, our hands brushed against each other, making my blood rush.

This light touch...already makes me feel like this.

I looked up at him, him looking back at me.


We said at the same time, stopping right after.

We stayed quiet for a second.

"Y-you go first." We stuttered in sync, making me smile a bit.

"I will start...then...I know this situation is really weird...but I'm going to say it right now! I don't need an answer or anything! I might be leaving in a few days. So just don't say anything, okay?" I put my hands together, breathing in deeply.

"R-reki...I....I really...." I started, my voice shaking in nervousness while he just looked at me with his beautiful orbs.

"I really...." I started again.

"Reki, I really like yo--" Before I could finish what I was saying, Reki dropped the machine on the table and pulled me in, hugging me tightly.

I blushed madly but leaned in by putting my head on his chest, enjoying the moment.

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