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Missing my earphones hours.
New chapter though.

"Okay, that's it for today. Don't forget the homework for tomorrow!" The teacher dismissed right before the bell rang.

I sighed in relief, dropping my head on the table.
School is so hard and Reki is acting weird...he just skated past Langa and I today....is he day dreaming?
He normally doesn't...There must be something bothering him...

"I did not get anything at all..." I whined into the table while students were leaving the classroom to go home.

"I'm done for today...." Reki also said, standing up and grabbing his bag.

"It was hard." Langa added, also standing up and grabbing his bag.

I raised my head, standing up and throwing my stuff into my bag.

"See you tomorrow then..." I smiled at them, putting the bag over my shoulders and walking towards the door.

"Yup. See ya!" Reki smiled.
"Till tomorrow." Langa also smiled, waving me goodbye.

I nodded and jogged over to the door, stopping before going out.

"It seems like today will rain. Make sure to take an umbrella or stay home, I don't want you to get a fever or something!" I smiled brightly, leaving them without any more to say.


"Miya. There you are!" I smiled as I jogged to a park after school where Miya is waiting with my skateboard.

"Took you long enough. Now. You wanted to practice your Casper Slide, right?" He jumped up from a bench, giving me my skateboard.

"Adam taught me....." I looked to the side. "But I never used it, so it's rusty." I put my bag down on the bench while the sun was now slowly setting.

"Let's just try." Miya said, taking out a bottle of water to hydrate himself.

I nodded and walked over to a ramp, getting ready to do THE slide. The one Adam is famous for. The one Langa mastered in only a day.

Good thing I'm wearing shorts under my school uniform.

I breathed in deeply before pushing myself forward with speed.

I quickly flipped the board on the tail and moved my center of gravity just right for the board to stay and slide in that position.

I smiled widely, happy that I can still do this kind of thing.

I triumphed too soon since I slipped and fell right on my side.

"Ouch..." I whinced, grabbing my arm.

"You okay?" Miya jogged over to me, kneeling down to examine my state.

"Yeah..." I whispered, slowly standing up and taking another deep breath.
"Almost got it." I laughed which made Miya smile.

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