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We just arrived, now standing in front of an inn.
I looked at my phone and checked the adress.
"Yeah that's the one my mom booked." I said, Langa, Reki, Cherry and Miya looking up at the building.

"Woah! All this for 3000 yen?! Old Man Shadow is a really smart shopper!" Reki yelled, his body showing happiness.

Cherry started walking, the others joining.

"Hey, we're over here!" Shadow yelled, making us turn around.
I sweatdropped. That thing?

"Seriously?" Reki also sweatdropped, Miya and Langa wearing a poker face.

I laughed and waved at them.

"See ya!" I jogged over to Cherry and walked in with him.
"Y/N YOU-" I heard Reki yell but got hit by Shadow. This feels good!

Thank you, mom!

"Here is your luggage." A voice suddenly spoke up, making me look up.

"Oh, Masa-san! Thank you!" I smiled, taking the bag and walking into my room. Masa-san went into the room next to me.

That poor guy...what a job to have. He's used to it...I guess.

I changed into some shorts that went till my knees and a simple shirt.

I quickly put my stuff down and ran out.
I checked if any cars were passing by and quickly ran into the small and broken inn the others are staying in.

I asked for their room and knocked on it when suddenly Joe showed up.

"Y/N-chan. Let's go in." He simply pulled me inside and opened another door.
He let my wrist go and put his hand into his pocket.

Just then Reki leaned back but hit his head on the ground instead.

"What is harsh?" Joe asked.

"Forget it..." Reki sighed, lying on the ground. I looked down at him, him looking up at me.
"Y/N..." He asked, still looking up at me.
"Hm..." I replied, staring down at him.
"I'm hungry..." He sighed, sitting up.

"And what am I supposed to do? Should I feed you?" I laughed, kneeling down.
"Well that would be pretty n-" Before he could finish I smacked his head.

"Ouch!" He whined, holding his head.

I sighed and put my hands up, fixing his hair band since I moved it by my smack.
"Sorry~" I laughed, making him sigh playfully.

"Let's go eat then. I took care of it." Joe smiled, already starting to walk out.

We quickly stood up, following Joe.

We walked into the inn Cherry and I are staying at and walked straight into a room.

"Meals are tastier when you eat with a bunch of people." Joe said, walking in first.
We followed, our eyes sparkling.

"Kojiro? And you guys, too?" Cherry stared at us in disbelieve.

"Is this a one person room?" Langa asked.
"It's so big!" Reki replied.

"Is your room that big too?" They turned to me. I shook my head.

"It's smaller." I laughed, walking to the table.

"Awesome! What's with this full-course meal?!" Reki yelled, drooling for the food in front of him.
"It's looks delicious!" I added, happy to see food.

Joe and Cherry started yelling at each other while I already sat down.


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