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Guysss, let me clear something. It wasn't Joe who "kissed" you, it was Reki. I changed it now so that you can understand it better. Sorry, HAHA. But your reactions were really funny. "Isn't this illegal?" HAHA♡

I took a shower to freshen up from this long day and opened my closet, looking at the outfit Yami always wears.
They all know now...so let me just go as Yami today. That would be funny.
Cause why not.

I smiled to myself, taking the black outfit and mask. I put it on and put my hair up into a high ponytail while one strand was braided.

I didn't put the mask on yet since my parents would question that.
I told them that I will be watching a movie with Reki and Langa...and they believed it. I mean why wouldn't they, right?

I looked at the time and saw that I was running late. Holy skateboard! I better run!

I grabbed my skateboard and rushed out of the door, quickly yelling a quick bye before skating off into the darkness.

3rd POV

"Snow!" The crowd announced, making Joe, Cherry, Miya and Shadow turn to Langa and Reki who were approaching them.

"Huh?" Joe wondered.
"Where is the cute lady?" Cherry asked, asking what they all had in mind.

"I don't know. She said she'll come by herself since she lives not that far away from here." Reki answered, shrugging his shoulders.
"Where's Adam?"

"Not yet." Cherry answered.

"Is he gonna pretend like this is the Battle of Ganryujima?" Joe asked.
"Ganryu?" Langa wondered.

"You know, Ryoma Sakamoto..." Reki answered proudly put got cut off by Miya.
"It was Musashi Miyamoto. How embarrassing."
Reki flinched up, sweatdropping.
"That was a joke, okay?"


I skated until I finally saw the crowd, making me jump off my board and speed through the crowd.
"YAMI?!" The crowd now stared, all looking at me shockingly.
I just jogged over to the blue head that was sticking out of the crowd, taking the mask off and panting heavily as I finally made it there.

The group turned to me.
"S-sorry. I...forgot....I...didn't look....the......at the time.!" I spoke between heavy breaths, my hands on my knees.

"Woaah, Y/N-chan is Yami-chan today!" Joe laughed, making the others sweatdrop.

As I was about to say something, a red carpet rolled down while the crowd was cheering.
We all turned around and saw Adam skating down the red carpet.

The carpet ended right before Langa, making Adam stop in front of him.
He then suddenly turned his cape and a big bouquet of red Rose's appeared.

"This is a sign of our acquaintance. These flowers symbolize 'passionate love' " Adan smirked, handing Langa the flowers.
"Thanks." Langa quietly murmured, accepting the flowers.
"You're accepting that?" Reki sweatdropped behind Langa.

"Oh? Are you guys on their side?" Adam turned to Joe and Cherry.

"Who knows?" Joe answered.
"You're the one who parted ways from us first." Cherry answered, his golden eyes sparkling in the night.
"Was it so?" Adam smiled.

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