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Hello...uh...sorry about this long hiatus. I wasn't doing well physically and mentally. But I'm better now and found some time in my cramped schedule to finish the Reki route. Maybe 2 more chapters and I'm done. The Langa route might take a while tho.
Sorry and thank you for waiting. ^^


Joe and I were now sitting on a couch, a dark blue haired guy finishing the treatment of my wounds.
He put a bandage around my leg after applying some cream his grandmother left at his house...thankfully.

"So...You guys were together in high school?" I spoke up in this silence while Joe was scrolling through his phone.

"Yeah. That was a wild time, wasn't it?" The friend of Joe answered, chuckling to himself.

"And you became a...private doctor? Is that what you call them?" I quietly asked to myself.

He laughed again, finishing my treatment.
I was now full of bandages and bandaids.
Looking at the television opposite of us, I saw my reflection, looking dead and mistreated...

Looks like I was run over by a car.

Why we're not at a hospital?
Because this guys house was really close and the hospital would attract my father...

"Yes, I suppose. I mostly treat those rich people...you could say. Every week I check a person per day. The same every week. That's my life. From time to time weird punks like Joe show up with or without a pretty girl but thats it. That's my life." He explained, packing the things he took out back into his aid box.

"I see..." I hummed, nodding and ignoring the pretty girl part.
"Joe, do we still have time to catch up with Rekis race?" I asked, looking out of the window, watching the raindrops fall and dissolve on the asphalt.

"I think they're done any second. If we hurry we will catch them still standing by the finish line--" Joe replied, slowly standing up.

"OKAY, LET'S HURRY!" I jumped up despite the pain in my body, immediately grabbing Joe's arm and speeding to the exit.

"THANKS AGAIN! I WILL DEFINETLY PAY YOU BACK! BYEE!" I yelled, smashing the door shut and pulling Joe to his car.

"Woah, woah, woah. Relax. Your wounds." Joe stopped while opening the car door.
My legs were jumping up and down in tiny, desperate to get to Reki.

"I'm fine! My leg is fine anyway, so let's hurry!" I jumped into the car, making Joe close his door and speed to the others with a heavy sigh.


"Let me help you." Joe held my arm to help me down the rocky road after we exited the car.

"Do you think we made it?" I asked, breathing in deeply.

"I think they just finished. Let's hurry."

And with that we hurried to the place they will be at surprisingly.

We heard some yelling as we finally made it there, my eyes immediately meeting Reki lying on the ground.

"Reki!" Langa and I called out in unison, making me let go off Joe and limp towards him.

"Are you okay? Reki!" I heard Langa call out in frustration.

Just as I dropped down next to his head Reki started laughing, turning around to be on his back.

"Skating really is super fun, after all!" He smiled cheerfully, making my worried face be replaced by a comfortable smile.

"Y/N! Are you alright?" Reki jumped up, almost hitting my head like he always does.

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