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Shadow, Reki, Langa and I were standing by the side as Miya skated down the hill us watching.

"He's going that fast!" Shadow spoke his thoughts.
"He won't make the curve." Reki added, watching Miyas every step.
Just as he made it to the curvex he flipped his board over like last time, sliding down the edge of the hill.
After the curve he jumped back up and stopped, making small pebbles fly around.

"If you don't want want to fall in a curve, then remember this." Miya commanded. Shadow and Reki sweatdropped while Langas eyes were sparkling.

"He did that trick in the beef!" Langa gleamed, then turning to Teki the same time Shadow did.

Reki flinched and closed his eyes, straightening his back to seem tuff.
"It's a rail slide, right?" He asked Miya, not waiting for an answer.
"Watch this!" He angrily said, walking up with his skateboard.

"Miya." I called out, making them turn to me.
"That was so cool!" My eyes then sparkled just like Langas did, making him unexpectedly blush out of embarrassment.

But Rekis skateboard was heard, making us turn to him.

"I will show you!" He yelled jumping to the side. He looked pretty cool for a second....a second I said...

He then wobbled and fell over into the bush, only slosing for about a second.

"Your rotation was off." Miya commented, me nodding. He's right....
"Shiit!" Reki yelled, his head popping out of the bush.
"One more time!" Reki yelled, doing it over and over again until his clothes were dirty and his face full of scratches.

"Your upper body is too low. And watch out for your balance!" Miya scolded while I walked up to Rekis board to pick it up for him. I walked pretty far actually.

"I know! I will do it again!" He angrily said, standing up.

As I came back I couldn't find them...which confused me.

"Reki? Miya?" I looked around, starting to walk up the hill. "Langaaa?" I called out but no one answered...weird.

I started jogging upon hearing some people talk, spotting the three of them after a while.

"What did you do?" I heard Reki scold Langa, who was on the ground.
"What happened?" I came into the conversation.
"He tried to do Adam's trick, didn't you?" Miya answered, looking down at Langa.
"Yeah..." Langa hummed, making Reki snap.

"To skate uphill is never possible!" Reki argued, his hands in his waist.
"It's just a rumour!" He closed his eyes, waving one hand around.
I looked down, still being able to see Langa who now looked at me, looking like he had something to say.

"Is something wrong? Are you hurt?" I kneeled down, now on his level.
"Ah no...I'm okay. Are you...okay?" He shyly asked, looking at my clenched fists.
I quickly released them, patting his knee.

"Never been better. Let's go! I'm hungry!" I jumped up, stretching my hand out for him.
He smiled sweetly and gladly took my hand, standing up.
"Did you run?" He then asked me, pointing at my messed up hair.
I nodded and laughed, raising my hands to take care of the issue but stopped mid way.

Instead of my hands, Langa's were now caressing my hair, trying to fix it.

I widened my eyes. "L-langa..." I mumbled, my heart beat getting louder.

"You did this once for me, didn't you? So it's only normal for me to return the favor." His delicate hands smoothly caressed my hair, going from the top to the very end of my hair.
I just watched him with a pink hue on my cheeks.
He smiled and removed his hands after he finished.

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