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"Drop your hips more!" Reki yelled at Langa as we skated down a bridge in the dark.
As we took a turn to go downhill, Reki started praising Langa again.

"Looking good! Get used to the downhill speed!"

Langa did as he said, getting faster.
I skated next to Reki, watching Langa just like Reki was.

"Woah...He can already skate at this speed?" Reki mumbled under his breath.
"I thought the same thing. He's crazy!" I smiled, also increasing my speed.

"Yes! This is too good to ignore!" He smiled, joining me.
After reaching the ground, Langa took a turn but tripped and fell on the parking lots hard and cold asphalt.

"You all right?!" Reki asked as he made it there, stopping immediately.

I went off my board and jogged over to Langa.
"Please watch out, Langa! I'm so worried everytime you fall like that!" I sighed, kneeling down next to him and watching his pained expression.

"Somehow..." He answered Reki, sweatdropping.
"You bailed around here earlier, too." Reki said, looking to where he fell from while Langa exhaled, leaning his back forward in exhaustion.
"Is there a crack or something?" Reki also asked to himself.

I looked back at Langa and saw him staring at his skateboard while Reki walked towards us.

"You know how friction for snowboards is the same whether it's from the front it from the side?" He spoke up.
Reki crossed his arms while I stood up.


"For skateboarding, you go really fast going forward, but when you try to go sideways, you suddenly start braking." 
I watched Langa explain it in amazement while turning the wheels of his board.

"Oh...that's right..." I commented, leaning down just like Reki.

"Oh, so that's why you get hitched up when you're turning." Reki added, nodding to himself.

"I just have to get used to it, but..." Langa sighed, closing his eyes.

"HEY!" A man yelled out of the sudden from behind us, making Reki and me flinch.

"Yabe!(Crap) Make a run for it!" Reki yelled, grabbing his skateboard and running away. Langa and me following close.

I held my board close to my body as I suddenly felt a hand on my wrist.

Oh hell no...don't tell me he got me?!
I turned to see who it was and saw Reki pulling me to his side quickly.
I blushed madly at the unexpected contact, glad that Reki didn't see my expression.

"We'll meet you at DOPE!" Reki yelled at Langa, running to the left side, out of the park house while Langa ran the other way.
"Got it!" He yelled back, racing for his life.

"Yabeee, yabe, yabe, yabe!" Reki cried out while laughing, still running with my hand in his.

"Do your best!" Reki waved at Langa even though he couldn't see us.
Poor Langa...now getting chased by a police officer...
We watched them fade away into the dark when suddenly Reki tripped, making me fall along with him.
I fell right beside him, whining.

"Owww...!" Reki also whined, kneeling up immediately to look why he tripped.
I stayed there, lying on the ground.

"What the...!" Reki annoyingly yelled but stopped upon seeing what made him fall.
The lower half of a broken roller chair was lying there, one of the wheels spinning around.

Reki suddenly widened his eyes, getting an idea.
"Huh?" I sat up, examining Rekis expression.
"What?" I asked, tilting my head.
"Y/N!" He yelled.
"Yes!" I yelled back.
"Come with me! I have the best idea ever to improve Langas board!" He jumped up, grabbing my hand again and pulling me up.

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