Chapter 10: Going on a Date with Carmelita.

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Royce: "So you are going out with me?"

Carmelita: "I'm giving you a chance, so... yes."

Royce: " 'Giving me a chance?' What do you mean by that Carmelita?"

Carmelita: "Well most guys I encountered that wanted to go on a 'Date' with me only cared about one thing and one thing only... my body. They never really cared about me or how I felt."

Royce: "That's just... MEAN!!"

Carmelita: "That's why I'm giving you a chance. Seeing how you interacted with that Siamese Cat Captain from Ancient Arabia, I personally think I'll find True Love. Do you believe in True Love, Royce?"

Royce: "I never found my True Love yet. That's why I was asking you out. Cause I am single like you."

Carmelita: "May I ask you a question before we go on a date around town?"

Royce: "What is it?"

Carmelita: "Why did you break up with that Captain: Ashla?"

Royce: "Ashla broke up with me. Claimed I was incapable of doing anything right, except for cleaning up the house, and something else."

Carmelita: "I'm... sorry."

Royce: "Eh, it's happened to me on more than one occasion." Royce then lends a hand to the Inspector whom so gracefully accepts his gesture, "so... where do want to go on that date?"

This surprised the Inspector, usually when she dated someone, she asked them where they wanted to visit. Not the other way around.

Carmelita: "You want to ask me where I want to go? Are you sure you don't want to go where you want to go?"

Royce: "I'm sure. You sound surprised Ms.Fox."

Carmelita: "It was always the guys that wanted to go by the bar, that, and they never really asked where I wanted to go. So yeah, I'm surprised."

Royce: "I'm going to say it again, where do YOU want to go?"

Carmelita: "How about a... ... ... a restaurant?"

Royce: "You want to go to a restaurant? Are you sure?"

Carmelita: "Yes. But I want to go to a normal restaurant."

Royce: "A restaurant it is then."

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now