Chapter 11: The Restaurant...

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Royce: "What type of restaurant?"

Carmelita: "I don't know to be honest. Maybe O' Charlie's? That restaurant, I always seem to have good memories with my parents growing up."

Royce: "Really?"

Carmelita: "Yeah, we went there often. Kind of like a tradition, ya know?" Royce shakes his head, "well we like to go there... a lot."

Royce: "From where I'm from, O' Charlie's is freakishly expensive! How did you and your family manage to go there so often?!"

Carmelita shrugged as a result.

Carmelita: "Guess the family is rich, is my assumption."

Royce: "So why become an officer of the law if your family is of status?"

Carmelita: "It's in my blood. My family has been doing it for centuries and I'm next in line to pass it down to the next generation."

Royce: "Oh." Royce then tried to think of something to keep Carmelita's interest, "soo... want to go inside now?" Seeing that the two were still chatting in the open-topped police cruiser.

Carmelita: "Definitely! Let's go..." she agrees with Royce, as she grabs his hand and the two walk towards the front entrance. "Just so you know, I've invited my parents and grandparents over, so please, behave." Royce only nods as a result.

Cashier: "How may I help you two?"

Carmelita: "The Fox's..."

Cashier: "Come this way..."

Carmelita: "The family's friendly."

Royce: "Good. I'm more than willing to meet them."

As soon as Royce and Carmelita get to their designated table.

Carmelita's father: "...And who's the lucky fella?" Then her father focused his eyes onto Royce before they went wide, "no way! That can't be... a Monster Hunter... a human?"

Carmelita's Grandpa saluted Royce, seeing that he was the last human on their Earth.

Carmelita: "Dad, Grandpa, why are you saluting to him?" Seeing that she was confused.

Carmelita's Father: "Don't you remember those stories I told you as a child of humans being the best and most elite of Interpol when you were younger?"

Carmelita's Grandpa: "They were based off of when I was still in the Force."

Carmelita: "Are you saying that humans existed during your time, Grandpa?"

While this went on, Royce remained absolutely silent as to not disrespect the talking Fox's whom were discussing the existence of human's. This was before Carmelita's Grandfather wanted Royce's attention.

Carmelita's Grandfather: "What type of human are you, Laddie?"

Royce looks at her grandfather in confusion, to which Carmelita notices.

Carmelita: "Dad, Grandpa, my boyfriend here (this surprised everyone, even Royce), 1 he isn't from around here... this time period..."

This in turn built up nervous tension for Royce.

Royce: "Can we have something to eat now? I'm kinda getting hungry."

Carmelita's Father: "Yes indeed, say where is our waiter or waitress?"

Carmelita: "There she is right now."

Waitress: "I am sorry I took so long. It's my first time here and I just started working here, so what drinks may we be ordering today?"

Carmelita's Father: "Sweet tea, please."

Carmelita: "Water please."

Carmelita's Grandpa: "Unsweetened tea for the Lad and I, please."

Waitress: "Is that a Hu~ hu~" she kept stuttering.

Royce: "I am a human. Is there a problem with that Miss?"

Waitress: "No Sir, I'll have your drinks here right away!"

Several minutes later...

Waitress: "Sorry everyone. Ok, unsweetened tea for the human and elder, sweet tea for him (Carmelita's Father) and water for the lady."

Royce: "Thank you! Man I love tea."

Carmelita wraps an arm around Royce to which surprises him. Then Royce notices 3 Siamese Cats come in; 1 in a special suit (or what looks like a suit) and the other 2 Siamese Cats wore traditional bedlahs.

Royce: *whispers to Carmelita* "I think there's trouble, see their swords?"

Carmelita: "Yes, but what are we supposed to do about it? I didn't bring my Shock Pistol, remember?"

Royce: "I got this..." he tells his Vixen girlfriend as he leaves Carmelita, her father and grandfather which worries the other 2.

Carmelita's Father: "That man, Carmelita, what is he doing?"

Carmelita points out that they were carrying weapons and that Royce was a more than capable adversary.

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now