Chapter 14: Time to Eat.

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After Ashla was turned over to the authorities, Royce went back into O'Charlie's.

Carmelita: "ROYCE! You're back!" She said in excitement seeing her now human-boyfriend. "Are you ready to eat now?"

Royce only kissed the fox he cared about (Carmelita) causing her to blush.

Carmelita's Grandpa: "HA! Young Love, what do you think of your daughter, son? Good gentleman he is, huh?"

Carmelita's Father: "Yes, he is," Carmelita's father agreed with his before seeing that their food was arriving, "now everyone, shall we start eating?"

Royce: "Please," putting his fists on the table, "let's start, I haven't eaten since this morning."

Carmelita: "Me too..."

Carmelita's Grandpa: "Well our food arrived when you were out... uh, what's your name?" Carmelita's Grandpa asked Royce.

Royce: "It's Royce. Age 22, Race: White; Human."

Carmelita's Father: "So... may I ask Mr.Royce, why would~ I mean should I let you date my daughter? She's clearly into you. Are you asking for a Father's Blessing? You want that from me?"

Royce: "Sir, I mearly wanted to bring her out for a date, she gave me a chance and she said I was the only one she could turn to cause she got kicked out by her landlord. So I let her stay as a friend, not as her new landlord."

Carmelita's Father: "So I see." Then something came to his mind, "so you don't want anything from me? That's what you are saying?"

Royce: "I just want to go on a simple date with Carmelita, that's all Mr.Fox." All of a sudden Royce's stomach starts rumbling, "can we eat now? Cause I'm starving!" Royce announces to the Fox family.

Carmelita's Grandpa: "That's a good lad, I'd say you can date my grad-daughter."

Carmelita's Father: "Dad!"

Carmelita: "Grandpa."

Carmelita's Grandpa: "What? Has anyone ever heard of a grandfather's blessing?"

Carmelita: "Can we please eat? Royce and I came here just to eat without any added drama. I only invited the two of you as so you could meet my boyfriend, I thought maybe you would've thought he was good enough for the two of you to accept him."

Carmelita's Father: "Of course."

Carmelita's Grandpa: "Indeed."

While everyone was talking, Royce started to eat his 12 .oz Sirloin steak.

The same eventually happens with the Fox's.

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now