Chapter 31: Meeting an Old Enemy...

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Royce: "I know where we should celebrate."

Dimitri: "Where?"

Royce: "Carmelita, sweetheart, Dimitri, get some good looking clothes, we're going to O'Charle's tonight!!"

Later that night...

Dimitri: "Hey there, Royce, Carmelita, I'm back with my suit, and tie and ready to depart. You two ready?"

Royce: "Carmelita's almost ready, she's just finishing her hair and preparing to take Hoshimi with us."

Dimitri: "Greasy-Sweet! I'll see you two in my ride."

Carmelita: "Your what?!"

Royce: "I'm guessing he has his own ride and is inviting us to ride with him."

Carmelita: "That's... cool..." Carmelita said bummed out, before rubbing his head lovingly, "well happy birthday, my love! Now, let's go eat. I'm sure you are as hungry as I am, aren't you?"

Royce: "I AM hungry Carmelita, but we're raising a family now. Speaking of family, do you have Hoshimi with you?"

Carmelita: "She's in her crib, go and tell Dimitri to wait for us. I'll grab Hoshimi and see you 2 in the limo once I'm finished braiding my hair."

Meanwhile, in the Limo...

Dimitri: "When will your Foxy Lady be ready?" Carmelita Fox then enters the limo with Hoshimi Fox in arm.

Royce: "Wow! You look d*mn sexy in that dress. I mean, just- you're d*mn hot!"

Dimitri: "I am not commenting on this you two. Driver, take us to O' Charlie's."

Limo Driver: "Yes Sir, O' Charlie's coming up."

After arriving at O' Charlie's...

Cashier: "Welcome to O' Charlie's, please follow me to your seats and your waiter or waitress will be here shortly."

Royce: "Thank you."

Carmelita: "Gracias."

Dimitri gives the cashier a $20 tip for being nice.

Some time after the cashier gave the trio their seats, Carmelita began getting impatient while waiting for her food.

Carmelita: "What is taking them so long? It's been over 40 minutes now!" She said while tending to Hoshimi, "Aww... poor Hoshimi is getting hungry. Baby knows how mama's feeling." Then Carmelita came up with the randomest of thoughts, "Royce, sweetheart. Do you think I look fat?" This in turn caught the 23-year-old off-guard.

Royce: "I mean-" Royce thought carefully with his choice of words, "you DID gain a bit of weight from the pregnancy but you lost it when she was born. So... no. Not at all, you look as if before you got pregnant. And no, you don't look fat. Uh- has your boss called you yet?"

Carmelita: "No. I think he has laid me off. Haven't gotten a single call in from the station ever since I started dating you and since Hoshimi was born."

Dimitri: "So you quit cop-work, Foxy-Lady?"

Carmelita: "Absolutely not," Carmelita said to Dimitri, but not loud enough to attract attention, "catching criminals is my passion Mr.Lousteau, and I enjoy it too. You know that!"

Royce: "She is saying that it runs through her blood, her family legacy." When Royce explained to Dimitri about his wife and police-work, their assigned waitress greeted them. Although, when the waitress saw Royce she immediately froze out of fear. "Where's our Waiter or Waitress? Shouldn't he or she be here by now? Taking our orders?"

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now