Chapter 29: Do You Accept?

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Security Guard: "Halt! VIP's only," looks at Royce and let's him into Dimitri's Studio before blocking Carmelita off from gaining access to the entrance, "VIP's only ma'am. You got a reservation?"

Carmelita: "Here." Carmelita hands her VIP access card to the Security Guard whom immediately lets her in, "sorry ma'am," he gestures the 40-year-old Interpol Vixen into the Studio, "didn't know you were associated with Mr.Lousteau."

Security Guard: "I'm not, he is." Carmelita assured the security guard.

Inside the Studio...

Dimitri: "Come on everyone! There are two VIP's coming in, this is of the most highest-importance!"

Crewman: "Ok Boss, who're the guests?"

Dimitri: "A close friend I met not long ago and his lady-cop wife, that's all you need to know. Now, is everything almost ready?"

Crewman: "Yes Boss, it's almost ready."

Royce and Carmelita enter the Studio...

Royce: "Hey! Hey! Hey! How's my favorite scuba-diving Purple Marine Iguana doing ?!"

Dimitri: "Greasy-sweet bro!" Dimitri replied, "so what did you want to talk about? And why is cop-lady here?"

Carmelita: "Watch it now."

Royce: "Oh, you mean Carmelita?, yeah, she's my wife." When Royce told Dimitri the news, his eyes went wide before apologizing to the Vixen.

Dimitri: "Sorry cop-lady. Now then, Royce, what did you want from me?" He asked the 22-year-old while holding his unloaded harpoon-gun to the side of him.

Royce: "That's the thing. We're looking for a babysitter and we were thinking maybe you could babysit our child while we're working?"

Dimitri: "Let me get this straight: You want me to babysit a kid you either recently adopted or and raising? Uh, which one?"

Royce: "Yes, I'm asking you as a favor if you will become our babysitter and to answer the second question, it's our baby, she was born."

Dimitri: "Greasy-Sweet! I'll be your babysitter!! But can I still have my job here?"

Royce: "I wouldn't see why not."

Dimitri: "Can your child be my next prodigy for my diving-show extraordinaire?"

Carmelita: "Absolutely not!! I will not let my child be influenced by your criminal-parasitic ways!"

Dimitri: "I'm not a criminal anymore Ms.Fox, not anymore. I'm a scuba-diver!"

Carmelita: "I noticed and sorry, I didn't mean to insult you like that. But seriously, you got the job."

Dimitri: "Thank you, Fox-Lady...

Carmelita: "Thank you, but I'm a Vixen."

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now