Chapter 28: A Greasy-Sweet Chat part 1

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Once Royce was able to "convince" Carmelita of hiring a babysitter and discussing "certain matters". The two went over to a recording-studio to find a Purple Marine-Iguana named Dimitri.

The Next Day...

Royce: "Sweetheart," Royce noticed his Vixen putting on her Interpol equipment, looking as though she was preparing herself for war, "this isn't necessary, you're dressing up like you're ready to fight an army!"

Carmelita: "That is because I HAVE fought an army before and Dimitri is a criminal." Carmelita tells her husband as she grabs her Interpol-issued Shock Pistol, several rounds of ammunition, her Interpol badge and her police-attitude along with several other pieces of equipment. "Don't tell me what is necessary. I am The Law here." Only to earn a disagreeing look from Royce.

Royce: "No Carmelita, you are the mother of our child, and my wife," Royce corrected the 40-year-old Interpol-Agent Vixen, "not a police officer, err~ Interpol-Agent right now."

Carmelita: "Stop trying to lecture me sweetheart, I have already made up my mind!" She told Royce before he was about to spill some beans.

Royce: "Guess you'd be missing out on some pretty important information between Dimitri and I..." Royce added on.

Carmelita: "What information?" She questions him as Carmelita re-enters her house before she closes the door, "like what relationship would YOU have with HIM? I mean seriously?, how would you earn his respect, or even trust in that matter? Well, are you going to tell me?"

Royce: "I got him on speed-dial. The dude is cool, even if he speaks funny with his poppy-like accent (Pop-star like accent). Now how I met him, easy: I was at a coffee shop, and when I forgot my money, he offers me a drink, only for me to decline. So after a little bit of chitchat and the annoying paparazzi surrounding the two of us, he tells me that I seem pretty cool and even gave me his number."

Carmelita: "Get to the point."

Royce: "He told me everything about him, especially his criminal past, but people change. That's my point, can't just go barging into a Studio where they are filming a TV series, a-hem, popular TV series only to interrogate someone you had beef against and interrupt something they're good at since their reform into society. He's a changed Iguana, Carmelita. Please, believe me, look, we'll go to the Studio," Royce walks into their Master bedroom and grabs his personal VIP badge to watch Dimitri's LIVE studio recording's before returning back to his Vixen wife to show how he plans to enter the Studio without the use of a police/Interpol badge or Warrant for personal use, "this is my VIP badge back when, well after Dimitri and I first met, he gave me this so I can watch personally while live. I have to say, his acting as a diving pop-star is awesome, makes his shows worth it at time to time. Then there's the behind-the-scenes I'm a part of."

Carmelita: "How will I get in without my Interpol badge? Or a Warrant?"

Royce: "I'll inform the bouncer that you are my attending guest and that you are with me. Simple."

Carmelita: "You think?"

Royce: "I know," Royce said to his wife as the two went to the Studio Dimitri normally goes to as he does his shoots, "been there, done that. Now if you truly trust me now, you will have to listen to me while we are inside. Any more questions? Like any, at all?"

Carmelita: "Uh, yeah, where is the Studio where Dimitri does all of his filming?"

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now