Chapter 25: The Cat is a Fox's Den.

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Royce: "I swear, this Siamese Cat is crazy. I didn't want to use this gauntlet, but I'm not gonna let myself nor anyone else around me get hurt. When she wakes up, she will be restrained, she tries anything, I hurt her," Royce talks to himself without paying attention and before reaching the door to his apartment, "open up!" He demanded from his occupants as the Fox's opened the door to his apartment.

Carmelita: "What happened?!" Carmelita freaked out seeing Ashla with perforations in the side of her skull, "did you- is she- dead?"

Royce: "No, Inspector Fox, she's unconscious." Royce assures his Vixen wife, "if you feel as if it's necessary, you can can call the police and an ambulance..." Royce says to Carmelita with apathy and looks at his former-captor dead-eyed, "she tries anything, with anyone here. She's going to die, got it?" He informed everyone in the room, "let's see how she likes getting restrained by ropes and without care."

Carmelita: "What about the holes in the side of her head?"

Royce: "Puncture wounds from the glove," Royce explains to his wife, Carmelita, "I needed an edge somehow."

Carmelita: "Sweetheart..."

Royce: "WHAT?!" He raised his voice due to him being on edge from his fight with Ashla, "Are you going to arrest me for defending myself? Go on, file charges. Tear yourself apart from the inside-out."

Carmelita looked away for a few minutes before making up her mind.

Carmelita: "I'd wish you didn't brutalize your former captor; I don't want you to become the one thing she is: a monster; not pressing charges against you for excessive force and Assault; mom, dad, grandpa... I need one of you to call the police immediately," Carmelita's family gave her funny looks, "I'm not on Duty right now. Meanwhile, I'm going to start questioning our Feline Guest here, but before that, Royce, are you going to press charges against this Cat?"

Royce: "Like heck yes! I'm pressing Attempted Murders charges; Assault and Attempted Assault with a Deadly Weapon charges, I'm filing all sorts of charges against her!" Royce told Carmelita before she went to tending to Hoshimi, "time to restrain this Cat." He told Carmelita as he was now tying up an unconscious Ashla. "Stupid Cat, she'll never learn," talking to himself while in an unstable mindset focused on how to torment his tormentor but suppressing such malice thoughts. Once Royce thoroughly tied Ashla up, he went back to check-up on his wife and Hoshimi, and the In-Laws. "How is everyone doing? Anyone hurt?"

Carlos: "Everyone's doing well, no one's hurt. Police and ambulance are on the way. How's our Feline guest doing? Unconscious, I assume?"

Royce: "Honestly? I wish she would be better off dead. She doesn't deserve to live."

Dallas: "Young Man, that is not a healthy mindset. You want your kid to grow up like that? Wanting to bring harm to others?"

Royce: "No, Sir. I only wish she doesn't go through the same things as I went through with that monstrous Feline in the other room."

After Royce finished talking with the other Fox family members (including his wife Carmelita), they went into the same room where Ashla was now being kept hostage and now conscious, with bandaging across half her face, and her vision fuzzy.

Ashla: "Uh," Ashla groans in pain, while struggling to undo her restraints, "my head, is someone there?" Still struggling to identify the object or person in front of her, "tell me who you are, or I swear I'll~"

Royce: "Or you'll what?! You're not getting out of there... and if you do; you're in no condition to fight and you will absolutely die and no one's going to be there to help you," Royce informed the disoriented and restrained Siamese Cat, "you play along, you live. Got it?" Ashla only nodded her head to the best of her ability. "Oh, and if you DO escape from your binds, the Fox's here will be more than willing to put the hurt to you."

Ashla: "What... do you... want from me? Revenge?"

Royce: "For you to disappear... permanently. Stay out of my life, I DON'T LOVE YOU OR LIKE YOU!"

1 Hour Later...

Police Officer 1: "Ma'am, Sir, are you two pressing charges?"

Royce: "Yes. I'm pressing Assault, Attempted Murder charges and use of the swords! She tried to kill me and my family!!"

Carmelita: "I'm pressing charges against her; Attempted Murder and Assault with a Deadly Weapon."

The Fox Family: "We are pressing Charges against this Cat!"

Police Officer 2: "Alright, let's go!

Ashla: "I'll get you for this Royce!! I'll get you!!

Just before the cruiser that Ashla was in was about to leave, Royce told them to hold on and roll down the window.

Royce: "I hope you are found 'Guilty' and you die in prison, cause if you come back; I don't care what the Law says, you WILL die if you mess with me! That's your one and only warning!!"

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now