Chapter 21: Carmelita's Parent's Come Over!

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As Carmelita was tending to Hoshimi, Royce began to gather all the dishes, and leftover food scraps and went to clean up whatever needed to be cleaned. Including the toilet, sink, countertop, tables, the living room TV and several different game consoles, along with other things.

Royce: "Carmelita, when your dad and grandfather get here, I'd like to be treated with respect. I already went through enough with being ridiculed as it is and I don't want your family doing that too."

Carmelita: "Don't worry about my grandfather," Carmelita assured her boyfriend, "he already seems to like you. Daddy, on the other hand, he is still skeptical of/about you."

Royce: "Noted," Royce told his girlfriend before asking her another question, "any other relatives coming over that I should be aware of?"

Carmelita: "Well there is my mom..."

Royce: "Oh boy, and what is she like?"

Carmelita: "Short-tempered, for starters. Easily offended, she can be sweet, takes discrimination seriously," her boyfriend gives her a funny face, "what? She does!" Carmelita exclaimed trying to prove her point, "and when someone pushes her over the edge, she doesn't hesitate to use violence" this scares Royce with vivid mental imagery and Carmelita notices this, "but don't worry, she's going to LOVE you," Royce then looks at her with skepticism, "you know what I mean Royce. C'mon, my parents will be here shortly!"

25 minutes later...

Royce: "Who's there," Royce questions the series of knocks with paranoia, "identify yourself immediately or I'm calling the police!!" He demanded as Carmelita's parents identified themselves, "Sweetheart, Carmelita! Your parents are here!"

Carmelita: "Shh! Hoshimi just went to bed." She tells her boyfriend while letting Carmelita's parents in.

Carmelita's Mother: "Hi Sweetheart! So where is this 'Human' that my stubborn husband keeps bragging about?"

Carmelita: "He just let you guys in," Carmelita points towards her boyfriend who is just waving as he gently closes the door before approaching Carmelita and kissing his precious Vixen, "is Hoshimi still asleep?"

Royce: "Yes," Royce tells Carmelita with a whisper, "who is this lady?"

Carmelita: "Mom, this is my boyfriend, Royce~ Royce, this is my mom."

Royce: "Hi."

Carmelita's Mother: "Hello. So you must be the Lucky Guy to have my daughter, huh? It seems that you have got my attention as well, according to what my father has told me," Carmelita's Mother introduced herself before putting herself out to Royce whom only hesitated, this made Carmelita's mother realize that her boyfriend was not normal, "is your boyfriend intellectually-deficient?"

Carmelita: "MOM!" Carmelita exclaimed as she took offense to her boyfriend's intellectual handicap, "you take that back! He may be, uh, lacking... but at least he has a very good heart! He's really sweet."

Carmelita's Mother: "I'm sorry darling, it was just an observation." She then looks towards Royce, "I'm sorry if we got off onto the wrong track, uh..."

Royce: "It's Royce, Mrs...."

Carmelita's Mother: "Cheyenne Fox."

Cheyenne Fox: "and this is my husband, Carlos," Cheyenne said pointing towards her husband, "and of course you're on good terms with my father, Dallas?"

Royce: "Yes Mrs.Cheyenne Fox."

Dallas Fox: "Of course, My Love, the Lad and I are getting along just fine," Dallas exclaimed before looking at his son-in-law, Carlos, "my son-in-law, Carlos, seems to dislike the boy."

Carlos Fox: "Not my problem I don't trust the dumb Yankee."

Carmelita: "Dad!"

Cheyenne Fox: "Carlos!"

Dallas: "The only 'Dumb one' here, is you," Carlos' father-in-law explains to him, "Can't you see that my granddaughter; your daughter, has finally found that someone out there? And here he is, standing before you, treating you with respect. Don't you remember when we went out to eat out recently and he dispatched them with causing panic to us, let alone the restaurant?"

Carlos Fox: "Okay~"

Cheyenne Fox: "Someone tried to rob the O'Charlie's restaurant you guys went over to~ to meet Carmelita's fiancé?!"

Royce: "I took care of it," Royce said to Carmelita's family, "she wasn't much of a challenge," Royce went on before putting on a grin, "no one harms her, us, nor my family. Even if that mean you guys, especially you Carlos."

Carlos: "You better be careful of who you are messing with human. You do not want to mess with me."

Royce: "Listen 'Pal', you think you can intimidate me with your big-bad-self you got another thing coming; I'm only being nice to my fiancé's family not because I have to nor for her sake but because of what I went through and witnessed as a child, and I do not, I repeat NOT want our child to witness the same thing I have been through. Do I make myself clear?!" Royce demanded with a raised voice towards Carlos trying to challenge his authority. This made Carlos raise an eyebrow in doubt only for Carmelita to reassure the situation and explain what happened in Royce's past.

Carlos: "You faced discrimination your entire life and other things?"

Royce: "I most certainly have."

Carlos: "...And why do you love my daughter? Especially if she has an explosive-short-tempered fuse? Wouldn't that, I dunno... bug you?"

Royce: "Not really, she hasn't yelled at me. She might have raised her voice to prove her point but doesn't bug me, not one bit. Not to mention we are settling in pretty well together."

Cheyenne Fox: "So how did you two love birds meet?"

Carmelita: "Long story..."

Royce: "Time travel..."

Carlos: "Are you serious," Carmelita's father asked Royce before looking towards Carmelita, "is that true, Carmelita? You went back in time? Impossible!"

Carmelita: "My boyfriend isn't lying," Carmelita assured her father in defeat, "remember when I was assigned to the Cyril Le Paradox Case, dad? Grandpa?" Both Carlos and Dallas nodded, "well when I was taken back in time, I was on a solo Recon mission to scout out a safe area, and well... I was on the rooftops so no one was able to see me... and here I see him being escorted, at knife-point by what appears to be 2 Siamese Cats with Scimitars! That's how I met him, that was after he ran away from his former captor."

Dallas: "...And who would that be?"

Royce: "The Cat I drug in and out of the restaurant the night we met. The only good thing she ever did for me, was teach me to fight. I was planning on killing her if she didn't tell me who she was working for, after I ran away from her she has caused me nothing but trouble! And the next time I see her... there won't be a next time for her. No one messes with this human and Vixen's family!" Then Royce though of something that would surprise the entire Fox family, "Carmelita, will you marry me?" He asked his Vixen girlfriend before him, before bringing out a ring with a priceless gem in the center, catching her eye.

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