Chapter 32: "There's No Problem with Hoshimi, Is There?"

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The next day, at Hoshimi's Physician...

Hoshimi's Physician: "I don't know what to tell you two, Mr. and Mrs.DeBarry. Your daughter, Hoshimi, despite her lack of pickiness is in pristine condition."

Carmelita: "Isn't every child suppose to picky about something?"

Hoshimi's Physician: "That I know of, yes. Are you saying your child isn't a picky eater at all?"

Carmelita: "That's exactly what I am saying. That, and she is also not one for being loud."

Royce: "... Nor temperamental!" Royce chipped in.

Hoshimi's Physician: "Hmm... that is rather interesting indeed. But may I ask the two of you some 'personal' questions?"

Carmelita & Royce: "Like what?"

Hoshimi's Physician: "What species is she? You two look very much different." Hoshimi's' Physician said, while making a visual observation. "Is she adopted?"

Carmelita: "No Sir. Our birth-child."

Royce: "Is there a problem with Hoshimi being a hybrid, doctor?"

Hoshimi's Physician: "Not many people see, let alone hear about hybrids these days." Hoshimi's Physician explained to the two, "Is she truly your biological child, Mr. and Mrs'.DeBarry?" The 23-year-old human and 40-year-old Vixen of Interpol looked at the physician in confusion from Hoshimi's Physician's' statement about hybrids, "guess my assumptions were right then."

Carmelita: "Right about what?" Carmelita questioned her child's doctor, now suspicious of why these certain set of questions were being asked.

Hoshimi's Physician: "You *points towards Carmelita Fox* are a Red Fox; and you, *points towards Royce DeBarry* are a 'Human'. The two of you are incompatible (or should be) when it comes to the reproduction of offspring. So how is it even possible to have a hybrid such as this?" Hoshimi's Physician continues with his statements while examining Hoshimi, "and to add to the fact, she has the full appearance of a Red Fox, while not showing any traits relating to that of a human? Amazing!!"

Royce: "Doctor, we came here to know if Hoshimi's lack of pickiness when it comes to food is a bad thing, not to know if she is a hybrid or not, the two of us already know that," Royce explains to Hoshimi's physician as he listens to the 23-year-old about their child, "...and that is why doc, my wife insisted on bringing her to you. She is concerned with Hoshimi's lack of pickiness with food will, uh, what did you say Love?"

Carmelita: "As a mother, I'm afraid she will never be like any other child; she behaves too differently from any other child."

Royce: "... And that is suppose to be a bad thing?!" Royce responded to Carmelita's explanation as he took offense to the statement. "She seems perfectly fine. Why should we treat her any differently than before?"

Carmelita: "This isn't about you Royce! Stop being so self-centered right now, this is about Hoshimi right now!"

Hoshimi's Physician: "Mrs.DeBarry, if I may, hearing that Hoshimi isn't a picky eater is quite a peculiar case itself, but I personally see no harm in this situation what-so-ever. I mean sure your child doesn't behave like she should for her age... there's no crying, screaming, random fits, nor the throwing-up, but look at it like this: she's in good health for a child her age, nothing wrong with her."

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