Chapter 13: Back with The Fox's...

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Carmelita's Grandpa: "That was quick! Where's the perp," Carmelita's Grandpa looked at the 22-year-old with a nice warm smile, "bring that little girl here, show her what happens when you interrupt a Fox's meal and date."

Royce: "I'll be back!" Royce told the Fox's as he went back to retrieve the Siamese Cat Bounty Hunter, "Look at what the Human drug in," he said as he was literally dragging in Ashla, who was bound by zip ties, "speak up Cat, or meet your fate!" Then Royce though of something devious, "you know Ashla, I heard Foxes eat Cat's, ever seen a Fox before?"

Ashla: "No..."

Royce: "What? I couldn't hear you. Speak up!"

Ashla: "NO!"

Royce: "Though so. Now we wait until the authorities come here. Now then, I'm hungry."

The Fox's laughed as he said that.

Carmelita's Father: "Now then Son, why do you want to date my daughter? Seeing that you are a human, no?"

Royce: "I AM a human, Sir. She gave me a chance, so I asked her where she wanted to go."

Ashla: "... And yet you still haven't asked her to be your girlfriend yet?"

Royce: "Shut up prisoner," he shook her violently until she went silent, "you have no say in this, not to mention you already had your chance and you blew it!" Royce tells the female bounty hunter as she went silent again, "like I was saying, I asked her out on a date, and here we are."

Carmelita's Grandpa: "Ha, good story LAD! Tell me more."

Carmelita's Father: "What my Old Man here is trying to say is that us Foxes used to work ALONGSIDE you humans."

Royce: "You did?!"

Carmelita's Father: "Is he stupid or is there something I'm not seeing in him?"

Carmelita: "DAD!! He's NOT STUPID, he's just~ Autistic."

Carmelita's Grandpa: "That's a disorder he's suffering from?"

Carmelita: "How do you know so much about human's, Grandpa?"

Carmelita's Grandpa: "There used to be a Taskforce composed of other humans, and I was the leader of one of those TF's! The Best of The Best!!"

Royce: "What's a TF, Sir?"

Then all of a sudden, the Waitress shows up ready for their orders.

Waitress: "What will the human be having?"

Royce: "I'll be having, *looks at menu* a Grilled Top Sirloin 12.oz please?"

Waitress: "Sides?"

Royce: "French Fries and Fish N Chips, please." This surprised the Foxes, seeing how he was ordering meat and a mix of starch.

Waitress: "Anything from the elder?"

Carmelita's Grandpa: "Yes please, a Bacon Cheddar Burger with a side of~ what the young Lad is having: Fish N Chips."

Waitress: "Bacon Cheddar Burger and Fish N Chips." Then she looked at Carmelita's Father, "and for the middle-aged Fox?"

Carmelita's Father: Just salad, please."

This in turn made Carmelita's eyes go wide seeing how he usually ate meat, and only meat.

Carmelita: "Grandpa? Did I hear that right? A salad?"

Carmelita's Grandpa: "That's what I heard young lady. Man, I swear today's just going to get more interesting I say!"

Waitress: "And for the lady..."

Carmelita: "Buttermilk Fried Shrimp Dinner and a Sweet Potato."

Waitress: "... And anything for the Cat?" The Waitress asked seeing the restrained Siamese Cat, "should I be concerned, seeing how she's restrained like that?"

Royce: "We're just waiting for the authorities to come and pick her up."

Carmelita: "They should be here any moment now."

Waitress: "Alright mam, I will have your meals prepared as soon as possible."

Carmelita's Father: "Thank you kindly Miss."

Carmelita's Grandpa: "Yes indeed."

Royce: "I'm very grateful."

Carmelita smiles at the young 23-year-old Spotted Leopard. While Carmelita thanked the female Spotted Leopard, the Leopard winked at Royce, changing Carmelita's attitude as she noticed this.

Carmelita: "Stupid Leopard." She thought to herself, "he's mine!"

Royce: "Carmelita, you alright?" Royce laughs, "You ARE jealous, oh my gosh. This is~" seeing how Carmelita's father and grandfather were staring at him immediately changed his attitude, "a-hem! Stupidity aside, I didn't mean for that to be called for, I'm sorry."

Carmelita just hugged Royce out of nowhere.

Royce: "Anyone else think this is weird?"

Carmelita's Father: "Just roll with it..."

With Police waiting outside: "Human, hand over the Bounty Hunter!"

Royce grabs Ashla by the zip ties, causing her pain and walks her to the restaurant entrance.

Royce: "You want her?!" He pushes the Siamese Cat bounty hunter into the direction of the police, "you can have her! She's caused me enough trouble already!!" Before going back inside the restaurant.

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now