Chapter 18: "The Baby."

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Several Months Later...

Royce: "So how is my Fox doing, alright I hope?"

Carmelita: "You are enjoying this, aren't you?"

Royce: "Seeing how miserable you are? No."

Carmelita: "Then what do you want?!"

Royce: "I was wondering... what if I was a thief, like if I stole from other criminals?"

Carmelita: "Then I'd dump you in a quick second, no second thoughts. But why *baby kicks* ouch! Why would you want to steal from criminals when you could ~ why are we having this conversation, Royce? This so not like you."

Royce: "Did you date anyone before me Inspector Fox?"

Carmelita: "Are you implying that I date criminals, other than Sly?!"

Royce: "WHAT?! Noo! I was just implying that I'm a thief cause I stole your heart."

Carmelita: "You're going to make me tear up, stop," she tried to thwart his way of starting a conversation but she kept listening and he continued talking, "so what are we going to name the baby?"

Royce: "Seeing that the doctor said it's most likely going to be a girl, how about Hoshimi Fox?"

Carmelita: "Why Hoshimi Fox?"

Royce: "Hoshimi (I think in Japanese) means 'Starlight', plus I think she will turn out to be a star, just like her mother."

Carmelita: "You think I'm a star?"

Royce: "The star of my life and soon, there will be another DeBarry and Fox entering this world." This made Carmelita smile and kiss her husband. "I have a feeling she's going to be like her mother." Carmelita hearing this, seemed confused as to why her husband said this.

Carmelita: "What makes you say that?"

Royce: "I really don't know, though it'd be cute though. I mean, would the child be human, or would it be a Fox? You also have a feeling that it'd be a Fox? What if it's a human?"

Carmelita: "We'll just... *makes noises of pain as labor starts to kick in* CALL AN AMBULANCE!! I'M IN LABOR!!" She yells at her husband whom rushes over to the house phone and begins dialing 9-1-1.

911 Operator: "9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

Royce: "My wife, Inspector Fox, is pregnant and I think she is going into labor right now. I need an ambulance immediately!"

911 Operator: "Sir, I need you to stay calm in this situation, can you stay calm for me? For your wife? What is your name? And where do you live?"

Royce: "Royce... uh, somewhere (doesn't give an exact address because of privacy concerns) North of the Police Station, Apartment #1125, First Floor, Room 1."

911 Operator: "Ok sir, we're sending a unit to your area."

Royce: "Thank you." He then hangs up on the phone before directing his attention back towards his wife, Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox, "The ambulance is coming sweetheart."


Royce: "Five minutes. I need you to just breathe."

23 minutes later...

At The Hospital...

Doctor: "Ok Ms.DeBarry, I need you to push..."

So much pushing later...

Doctor: "It's a Fox, and it's a girl...

Nurse: "What's her name?"

Carmelita: "Hoshimi Fox." Carmelita tells the medical staff before passing out due to the physical exertion she experienced because of pregnancy.

Royce: "My wife's alright, right?"

Nurse: "Yes. She's just tired."

Royce: "...And my baby girl?"

Doctor: "She's healthy Mr.DeBarry, Hoshimi Fox is healthy. No complications."

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now