Chapter 22: Proposing to a Vixen

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Carmelita: "Whoa," Carmelita said aloud as she noticed the gem, "where did you get the money for this, Royce?"

Royce: "I had it all saved up, back in my previous life."

Carmelita: "Arabia?"

Royce: "No," Royce clarified, "Waaaay before I met Ashla... or you for that fact. Working in a factory, making a decent wage... in other words... MY reality. I was saving enough money in the case I found 'That Perfect Someone' you know?"

Carlos: "...And how much did this ring you are giving to my daughter cost you to be exact?"

Royce: "Don't remember to be exact; been so long since I thought of that. It never really came to my mind."

Cheyenne Fox: "You must be one loaded human, huh?"

Royce: "No Ma'am," Royce says to Carmelita's mother until he continues on with his statement, "I am not rich, nor loaded, I worked for a certain amount of time, and making a certain amount of money, and well... luckily it's with me."

Cheyenne Fox: "Ooooh... such a gentleman!"

Royce: "Thank you Ms.Cheyenne Fox. I try to be at a lot of times. Carlos, what about you? What do you think about me wanting to marry your daughter?"

Carlos: "Even though she is a little more than twice your age? You still want to marry her?"

Royce: "Yes. I do," Royce then kneels down on one leg and restarts his proposal, "Carmelita Fox, will you make me the happiest human, err~ man in the world?"

Carmelita: "Can you hold on for a moment, Royce, please," she asks her 22-year-old human boyfriend before calling her mother into her master bedroom, "MOM, can you come here, please? I need you!"

Cheyenne Fox: "Coming," Cheyenne announced loud enough for her daughter to hear, before going to her daughter, "What seems to be the problem? Does this have to do with what just happened in there? The Proposal?"

Carmelita: "Yes mom," Carmelita whispered to her mother, nervous of what to say to fiancé, "I don't know what to say to him. I don't want to hurt his feelings; he never asked anything of me, besides asking me where I wanted to go. He's not like other guys. What should I do; what should I say?!"

Cheyenne Fox: "Don't ask me; go with what your heart; sweetheart, Carmelita. If you feel as if he's the perfect person for you, then accept his proposal."

Once Cheyenne Fox was done with giving her daughter, Carmelita Fox, advice on what she should say to her fiancé after he proposed to her; mother and daughter head back into the living room where Carmelita stood before her fiancé.

Royce: "Carmelita, will you~"

Carmelita: "I do," Carmelita then puts her right hand out, ready to receive the ring, "Now kiss me! Make me yours; make me your bride!"

Royce slips the ring onto her right hand before receiving a volley of passionate kisses; Carmelita being caught off-guard, melted into the passion and began to return the favor. Only for Cheyenne Fox to notice something strange about her daughter's behavior.

Cheyenne Fox: "Carlos," Cheyenne Fox whispers her husband's name before earning his attention, "look, it's happening, Carlos. Our daughters Fox Fever is kicking in."

Carlos: "Should we tell him? For our Son-in-law's safety? I mean he is the only human left in the world. Right?"

Cheyenne Fox: "No," Cheyenne Fox told her husband, Carlos, whom seemed very surprised, "Let them enjoy their company before revealing the news to the boy," she assured her husband, "her Fox Fever seems to be under control, for now..."

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