Chapter 5: Good Morning?

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With Carmelita exhausted from getting kicked out after being late on her mortgage, getting to actually know Royce, moving in, and settling in, and "discovering" a great sum of human products he was possession of; she woke up the next morning. Woke up to the smell of breakfast being made.

Carmelita: "what's that smell," Carmelita though to herself as she began to investigate, until she found out that Royce: now her landlord, was making himself and her breakfast, "what are you making?" She asks while rubbing her eyes.

Royce: "Biscuits, some eggs, maybe some toast, and well...," trying to come up with some breakfast foods but couldn't, "what do you want?"

Carmelita: "How about a breakfast wrap?"

Royce: "What type of beverage? Milk? Water? Any type of soda? Sugar water? What?"

Carmelita: "One breakfast wrap and..." Royces' mind all of a suddenly freezes as he has an aggressive seizure which scares the Vixen into becoming fully-aware of the situation at hand. To then she dials 9-1-1, "9-1-1..."

Dispatch: "911, what's your emergency?"

Carmelita: "My name's Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox, my landlord: Royce DeBarry, is currently suffering from a seizure~" she then notices he wakes from the aggressive seizure, "and please, call in a bus!" (she tells the dispatch the address before stating it was a "Code Blue" situation)

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now