Chapter 24: Protecting Hoshimi & the Fox Family...

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Carlos: "ANY MEANS," Royce's now father-in-law questioned him with doubt, "you're willing to risk life and limb just so that you can keep my daughter and grand-daughter safe?"

Royce: "As I told you Mr.Carlos, I will protect my family..."

Ashla: "Is that so...?" Ashla says as she climbs in through a window, "how honorable," she said mockingly, "you WILL be mine again!"

Royce: "How many times have I told you Ashla, you stupid Cat?! There is no way, no how I'm going with you, nor getting back with you. What don't you understand?! I hate you..." the 22-year-old human defied and refused his captors mockery of him.

Ashla: "So, how is that suppose to affect me?"

Royce: "Permanently..." Royce added on which got the Siamese Cat's attention.

Ashla: "P-p-p-permanently?" As if she didn't fully comprehend the term, resulting in a sudden change of personality, "if I can't have you, no one can either!!" Ashla lashes out at the 22-year-old whom had enough of his former captor's torment against his family, child and In-laws.

Royce: "Ashla, it's my duty to put you behind bars... that, and I enjoy making tough girls cry like the stupid babies they really are."

This viciousness from Royce surprised everyone, especially his wife who knew him for his gentle, yet friendly demeanor. This got Ashla's attention and resulted in her going on the offensive.

Ashla: "I AIN'T NO STUPID BABY!" She backlashed at Royce before lunging towards him, only to be kicked out of the window.

Royce: "I hope that Cat lands on all Fours..." he tells his wife and In-laws before jumping out of the window to pursue her and continue his fight against Ashla, "I hope you fight as well as you do when you are angry... Stupid baby."


Royce: "You sure about that?" Royce asked, further egging her on, "show me what you got, Kitty..."


Royce: "Aw... ain't Kitty going to play?" Royce antagonizes Ashla, "C'mon, you Sissy, fight me! Unless you're afraid you are going to lose..." Royce kept on antagonizing Ashla as she got fed up and withdrew her Arabic Scimitars, "whoops, hit a nerve," he says, noticing her sudden change in attitude towards him, "want to play dirty, I'll play dirty." Royce announced as he withdrew his own weapon: a pair of gloves with specialized barbs. The barbs were specialized, due to the fact that not only could they incapacitate someone via electric shock but cause serious physical injuries, bleeding and the like. "Don't you make me want to use this on you, I will not hesitate..."

Ashla: "What? Afraid of hitting a girl like me," she asks him as to insult him and further instigated the situation, "you- you are just a useless excuse for a person."

Royce: "Says the Captain who failed her Superiors..." he eggs Ashla on even more, "dare you, attack me. You're not gonna win!"

Ashla: "How dare you call me a failure!" Ashla says agitated as she lunged at her opponent, only to be impaled with one of Royce's specialized gauntlets to her liver, causing her serious pain, *makes exhausted sounds* "Uh, this hurts..." she says loud enough to be heard by Royce.

Royce: "Aww... is the poor Kitty out of breath? How about I put you out of your misery instead?" He asked the exhausted and in-pain Siamese Cat Captain, "I see either two options right now; die by these," Royce turns on the electric barbs on his opposing gauntlet, horrifying Ashla, "Or face another round of humiliation... which is it going to be, Ashla?"

Ashla: "Try me," this made Royce feel guilty for some reason, and put the Cat down, resulting in her confusion, "kill me, I beg you of it!"

Royce: "No... humiliation is your punishment; you should have never trained me in combat," he lifts the now crippled Siamese Cat Captain by the throat before punching her in the head with his gauntlet, "my time to have fun," as he knocks her unconscious with blood trickling down the side of her face. "Time to bleed..." Royce monologues as he drags a bleeding, unconscious Siamese Cat back to his place for further play with his "Toy".

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