Chapter 19: Returning Home with Hoshimi Fox...

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After Carmelita Fox gave birth to Royce's child (Hoshimi Fox) and several days in the hospital, Royce carried his wife in a wheelchair while Ms.Fox held onto Hoshimi and with Royce lifting Carmelita up and into a passenger seat.

Carmelita: "Ready for our newest addition, sweetheart?"

Royce: "Honestly? I'm a little nervous. You?"

Carmelita: "I'm happy."

Royce: "If you're happy, I'm happy," Royce said while driving and concentrating on driving, "and I'll try to get you and Hoshimi as comfortable as possible."

Carmelita: "Thank you," Carmelita said nuzzling Hoshimi while Royce was paying attention to the road, "You know I love you right?" Carmelita yelled at her human husband but he didn't even hear her, making her feel unappreciated.

Royce: "I'm sorry, did you say something sweetheart?"

Carmelita: "I said Thank You."

Royce: "You're welcome!"

Meanwhile, home, at night...

Carmelita: "Royce, sweetheart, can you put Hoshimi to sleep, please?"

Royce: "Go to sleep, Carmelita. I'll join you soon," Carmelita goes towards Royce and gives him a kiss on the lips before heading to bed and sleep, "Okay, now to deal with you kid," while Royce was holding his little Human-Fox hybrid child, he noticed that his child reached her hand out and grabbed onto his thumb, "This is SO precious. Can't wait tell Carmelita," Royce thought to himself before opening the door to Inspector Fox in her Ancient Arabic clothing, now re-purposed into sleepwear, "Ooh, me Likey!"

The Next Day...

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