Chapter 16: The Pregnancy Test

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The Next Morning...

Royce wakes up from his sleep to hearing Carmelita puking. Where he goes to seeing Carmelita puking into a toilet.

Royce: "Carmelita, are you ok? You look sick, I mean pale."

Carmelita: "Does it look like I don't need help?! I'm puking here," she said sarcastically before puking again, "I don't know why this is happening. I don't get sick."

Royce: "Carmelita," she looks at Royce briefly before puking once more, "have you ever been pregnant? Or got pregnant?"

Carmelita: "No. why?" She stops puking momentarily. "You're suggesting that I may be pregnant?"

Royce: "We did go there." This resulted in Carmelita screaming, "I don't suppose you have a Pregnancy Test Strips."

Carmelita: "I'm calling my father once this is over and I'm done puking and when I test to see if I'm pregnant."

Royce: "If you ARE pregnant, can we keep the child? Please? I've always wanted a family."

Carmelita: "Fine," Carmelita then stopped puking as she looks at the 22-year-old fiancé, "If it turns out that I AM pregnant, we'll use contraceptives to have our 'fun' after our child is born, got it?!"

Royce: "Yes ma'am. I still love you."

Carmelita: "Promise me, promise me that you will be here for me and this child once it is born. Do you promise?!"

Royce: "I do."

Soon after Royce and Carmelita went to the store and bought their "Plan B" products...

Carmelita: "Now," Carmelita looks at her list, "last thing on the list... the test strips for the pregnancy."

35 minutes later... back home...

Meanwhile, Carmelita enters the bathroom and takes her pregnancy test.

Carmelita: "Come on, come on." A minute later, Carmelita got an answer. But not one she expected. "What?! What do you mean N/A (Not Available)?!"

Royce: "Is everything ok in there Carmelita?"

Carmelita: "It says 'Invalid', try again later."

Royce: "I don't think your hormones have kicked in yet."

Carmelita: "So~ wait next week?"

Royce: "I think we'll have our answer by then. Don't you?"

Carmelita: "Yes."

Royce: "You look better, I mean you're not puking."

Carmelita: "I'm going to make a call to my boss and tell him that I am pregnant."

Royce: "So you can be eligible for Maternity Leave?"

Carmelita: "Yeah? Why?"

Royce: "Oh nothing, just means I get to spend more time with my favorite Vixen: Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox, and my lover. You know?"

Carmelita: "I~ yes."

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now