Chapter 4: What's A Video Game?!

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Carmelita: "A video game? What's a video game," the Vixen looked confused while picking up the discs, "War Thunder? Sly Cooper? (To which irated irritated her) Minecraft? What type of human games you have and why?"

Royce: "Nostalgic reasons... there are also games like Sly Cooper here that are kinda my childhood memories."

Carmelita: "OKay... so... what's the point of using these products?"

Royce: "Fun, making money, there are A LOT of reasons, Carmelita."

Carmelita: "Okay Royce, give me ONE reason to NOT call the authorities on you for illegal possession of human products."

Royce: "Ms.Fox, you forget that I'm a human, right? Not to mention, you're also off-duty? So legally speaking, you can't arrest me at the moment," Royce then shows his rights to own human objects, "see, I am legally permitted to own these products."

Carmelita: "Fine," She gives up on the idea of putting Royce behind bars due to owning "illegal" human products, "I'm going to bed. I hope you take care of your Tenants."

Royce: "I do Carmelita, I always do..." Royce says aloud before she heads to Royce's room while he decided to sleep on the couch as to let the 40-year-old (I think that's how old she is) rest.

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now