Chapter 2: Meeting a Vixen.

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Royce: "So you are the Fox that~"

Carmelita: "Yes, and please, don't mention Sly Cooper to anyone. I'm already in a time of pain as we speak."

Royce: "I'm... sorry that has happened to you, uh, what was it? Inspector?"

Carmelita: "It's Inspector Fox, but please, Call me Carmelita."

Royce: "OK Carmelita, why are you here? And I mean why are you really here? What's the purpose?"

Carmelita: "Um well," Carmelita begins to stutter as she also starts blushing a bit, just looking at him "thing is, and this is embarrassing: since I was adventuring through time with you and Cooper, I wasn't able to pay off my mortgage to my house. As a result, I got kicked out and I was wondering if I could move in with you?"

Royce: "I don't know Ms.Fox," Royce said uncertain as to rather or not he was able to have "guests" in his house, "wait a minute," Royce added in, looking up necessary information, "well, it looks like you can stay. But only on one condition: you have to put up your end of the bargain into this place. Do you accept? All Utilities are included."

Carmelita: "Sewerage?"

Royce: "Yes and it's a definite."

Carmelita: "Hot and cold water?"

Royce: "Yeppers!"

Carmelita: "Gas and Electricity?"

Royce: "Uh-huh..."

Carmelita: "How much per month?"

Royce: "$500 per month, that outta give you plenty of income at the end of the month, Ms.Fox."

Carmelita: "Wow. Where I lived last I had to pay more than a $1,000 per month!"

Royce: "I will need ALL your necessary paper-work first before I can let you reside here."

An hour later Carmelita gets all her necessary paperwork so she can move into Royces' house.

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now