Chapter 6: Code-Blue?

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When Carmelita was panicking over her landlord: Royce, having a seizure, she called in a Bus (Ambulance) which rushed towards Royce and Carmelita's apartment.

1 Hour Later...

Doctor: "Well Royce," the doctor brings out the results of Royces' EEG (electroencephalogram) and begins telling him the news, "it appears that you are suffering from a neurological disorder in the form of Epilepsy."

Royce shows no emotion to the news.

Doctor: "You're not surprised? Hm... usually my patients break down when I tell them news like if they have a serious disability, disorder or disease."

Royce: "I'm not surprised."

Doctor: "You're not?"

Royce: "No. Now's not the time or place to break-down from my own pity and feeling sorry for myself. I can and will pity myself when I get home, no need to do it here and now."

Doctor: "I like your thinking. And thank you for taking the news in without..."

Royce: "Doc! Don't worry, it's okay. Can I leave?"

Doctor: "No Royce, you cannot leave."

Royce: "What? Why not?!"

Doctor: "Ms.Fox has declared your stay here as a 'Code Blue' situation, and your health and stability here is our top priority."

Royce: "You mean my tenant: Carmelita Montoya Fox?!"

The Doctor looks at the file and shows him the report.

Doctor: "See?"

Royce: "I want to speak with Inspector Fox, immediately, and this instance!"

Doctor: "Sorry, she isn't available."

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now