Chapter 33: "Relief, or Fear?"

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The Next Morning...

While Royce and Carmelita were asleep, Carmelita's cell-phone starts buzzing and going off, waking both human and Red-Fox up.

Carmelita: "Uhh..." Carmelita moans as she throws her left hand to the side groggily in an attempt to grab and answer her phone, as she grabs and answers it, "Hello? Mrs.DeBarry- I mean Inspector Fox speaking, who am I speaking to?" The Red-Fox asks through the phone before letting out a big yawn.

Carmelita's Boss: "Ms.Fox- I mean Mrs.DeBarry, this is your Boss here. I was wondering if you could come back to work now that your Maternity-Leave is over? You need to come back to work if there is any chance you can. I need the most dependable, focused and worthy Interpol Agent and Officer back in the Force."

Carmelita: "I don't know," Carmelita said to her Boss, concerned about her family's well-being and safety, "Let me call my babysitter then I'll get back with you."

Several minutes later...

After getting into contact with Dimitri and (before starting his part-time babysitting job) and refusing to show up to the DeBarry's' residence, Carmelita Fox felt a sense of dread and fear. She didn't know why, but she did. The question was "why"?

Carmelita: "Well Boss, looks like my babysitter just quit his job and..." before Carmelita knew it, her Boss cut her off in mid-sentence.

Carmelita's Boss: "I think a certain someone will be willing to take the position but you're not going to like it. Especially since you, Royce, and your family have history."

Carmelita: "...And that certain someone would be who? Just how would they have history with me, Royce and my family?"

Carmelita's Boss: "A certain- uh... let's say... 'Cat' wants to speak with you, and mainly you. Not Royce due to his unpredictable behavior and/or nature involving the two of them."

Carmelita: "Please don't tell me it's who I think it is..." she says with dread in her voice, "If it is who I think it is, I do NOT want anything to do with her involvement; let alone even speak to her!"

Carmelita's Boss: "But she insists that she speaks with you about something. She won't tell me what it is, only you or Royce."

Carmelita: "FINE!" Carmelita told her boss through the phone, "I'll be there soon."

Soon after arriving at the Interpol H.Q...

Carmelita enters her superiors' office as soon as she arrives at Interpol.

Carmelita: "Okay, Boss. What did you want that was so important that I had to come here? Is it THAT important I had to come here just to have you ask me questions? Are they relevant questions, or even justified for me being here?"

Ashla: "Yes, they are," Ashla says as she walks into view of both the Interpol Vixen, and her superior, "Sorry for any inconveniences I have or haven't created, for the time being, but now- now I need a favor," Ashla sighs as she face-palms herself before continuing her conversation with the two in the room, "I need help with finding a job; also, I need a place where I can settle-down."

Carmelita: "Besides needing a place to stay and/or live; get to the point," she said impatiently, "I don't have all day, especially, listening to random nonsense."

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now