Chapter 34: "Carmelita, Let's talk..."

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Royce: "Oh F*ck me!" Royce said out loud as he was in fear.

Carmelita: "Oh, indeed I will!"

Royce: "Don't make me do it, or say that trigger word and accuse you of doing to me!" Royce warns his lust-minded Vixen wife, as she continues with her advances.

Carmelita: "Like what? What are you going to do about it? I got you firmly pinned down, there's no sense in struggling, "I want you so badly, so desperately, after being near the stupid Cat at the Station. Being lied to by her, about her trying to protect you from Paradox." Royce could see that her situation, let alone judgement, was getting worse. Although he was able to put some of the pieces together from Carmelita's now lust-driven mind, he had finally had enough of her inappropriate advances onto him and yelled out loud.

Royce: "I DO NOT CONSENT!!," this strangely enough had some effect on the Vixen, Royce believed she wasn't any full control of herself and still in her lust-driven mind-set and decided to forcefully (and against his own self-judgement) punch Carmelita with such force that resulted in her being forced off the bed, stunned and dazed. When Royce was able to get her off of him, he passed her and said, "You're one crazy B*tch whenever you're affected by the Vixen Fever, and uh, sorry for the inconvenient punch, you'll probably have a major headache when you come around!" As Royce left their room, he went on his way to grab Carmelita's Shock Pistol and returned with it, in the case the Vixen Fever didn't wear off, "She's f*cking lucky I more than love her, otherwise I would've probably, if not nearly, killed her just like Ashla." Carmelita was beginning to come around just as Royce enters the room to "check-up" on her, "Good. At least she is coming around, I hope she understands my intentions and will forgive me for what she will begin to feel." Royce says to himself as he begins to point the Shock Pistol at his wife, trying not to cloud his mind with anger, and hesitant to pull the trigger in the case that deliberately knocking his wife out didn't work.

Carmelita: "Uh... my head, why does it hurt," Carmelita says out loud in hopes that her husband might hear her, but all she could make out due to the fuzzy and blurry double-vision she was experiencing, put her into a state of fear, confusion and panic, "is someone there? I seem to- who is in the room with me? Royce, is that you," Carmelita asked for assistance with only silence in return, "Royce, if you're there, please say something. You're scaring me!!"

Royce: "SCARING YOU?! Says the B*tch who tried to S**ually Assault me, and AGAINST MY CONSENT, I might add!!"

Carmelita: "Can you give me some Ibuprofen? What happened and why does my head hurt so much? I- I Assaulted you? And why are you pointing that at me? It isn't a toy."

Royce: "I'll get you some Ibuprofen, your head hurts because I had no other choice but to (in an attempt to) take a swing at you because you pinned me against the bed. That's why your head hurts so badly as for your Shock Pistol, I was going to use it on you, in the case you were going to assault me once again, but-but, I don't want to and couldn't find the- *sighs* look, I hesitated because you're my wife, you're not some monster or criminal. Even if you went insane, I couldn't muster up any courage to take your life, I just couldn't, neither would I want to put a bullet in your skull either. You're just too precious to me, even if you were becoming a danger to me."

Carmelita: "Okay, okay, I get it! I got the idea!" Carmelita raises her voice as the pain from her head didn't get any better, "now get me some Ibuprofen or something to rid me of this bothersome and painful headache, please?! I swear, it feels like I was swat at with a frying pan 🍳!!"

Royce: "Sure... only because you asked nicely," Royce replied to his wife as he was about to go and get their pain medications and OTC's (Over The Counter) prescriptions and whatnot's, "oh, and another thing... I call Bulls*it on the feeling of being swat at with a frying pan, not to mention your face being seared with oil and painfully blistered!" Carmelita heard what Royce said and wanted to say something about it but the pain and physical head-trauma inflicted upon her by Royce was messing with her thoughts and couldn't help to think of anything but the throbbing sensation inside of her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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