Chapter 27: You want Who as a Babysitter?!

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With Royce making a promise to Carmelita's Father, Carlos, Carmelita came out of their room after putting Hoshimi to sleep. The two looked at Carmelita and Carmelita looked at them back in confusion, like she missed something.

Carmelita: "What? Is there something that you two guys are not telling me or going to tell me?" She looked at her father first. "Dad?"

Carlos: "I'm not going to say one word, what he just admitted to me is between the two of you."

Royce: "What? That I'm a victim of Domestic Violence and potentially have PTSD? She already knows that. If you're going to try to incriminate me with something false, lies, deceptions, manipulate your daughter into having a vendetta against me, then I suggest you leave right this instant before I show MY true colors."

Carlos: "Are you threatening an Officer? I'm not suggesting anything negative about the relationship between you and my daughter. I don't know anything about you, but if my daughter says you are The One, I do hope she is right. She has seen too much and experienced too much while working with the SVU (Special Victims Unit) at Interpol and growing up."

Carmelita: "What were you two talking about?" Carmelita asked a second time. "This time, Royce, what were you two guys talking about?"

Royce: "A promise to keeping you happy, not to break your heart, betray you, the Family, and cheat on you," he explains to his Vixen wife who raised an eyebrow in suspicion, not believing that this was all the information, "...and my involvement with you; how I met you, so on and so fourth."

Carmelita: "Oh really..." Carmelita asks loud enough for her family to hear, as if really suspicious, and not approving of her father's actions towards her husband, "was there also something you would tell him about, but not tell me?" She walked towards her 22-year-old husband's PS4 and going through menu's before accessing the "The Sly Cooper Collection", then to look at Royce agitated and a tad irritated, "you're refusing to tell him that my life is just based off of a videogame? Did you also tell him that Sly Cooper was my love-interest too?!"

These emotions were too much for the Autistic 22-year-old Royce who broke down in tears. Carlos feeling sorry for Royce, stood up for the 22-year-old, confronted her daughter. Which, of course, Carmelita thought was odd.

Carlos: "You leave my Son-in-law, your husband alone young lady! I don't care about your stupid-petty love-interest of a petty-criminal and DEFINITELY don't care if we are ... what? Vid- game things? To me, I'm real; to you, you're real; to people themselves, THEY'RE REAL! Get a hold of yourself girl. Don't blame him, I'm won't and will not use anything against you. Or him..." Carlos smiles as a result. "So Kid, when are you going to get a job? Maybe you'd be an Interpol Officer just like us?"

Royce: "I'm sure I wouldn't have the qualifications for being an Interpol Agent Mr.Fox, but thanks for the offer."

Carmelita: "Royce is right Dad. He has no record for being involved in law enforcement, no title, so he's automatically disqualified."

Royce: "There's no need to rub it in," her husband told Carmelita resulting in her feeling miserable due to his misunderstanding, "anywho- uh, I'm going to be looking for a job of my own; maybe even start one of my own."

Carmelita: "Sweetheart, let's stick to finding a job first before we go on to creating a job if the first thing doesn't work, ok?" Carmelita suggested, making Royce sigh as a result. "Yeah, I know... you didn't want to hear me say that but you know I'm right. Right?"

Royce: "Yes."

Carlos: "Well I know of someone who needs a position filled. It's not dangerous, nor complicated and I think you are the perfect candidate for the job."

Carmelita & Royce: "What's the job?"

Carlos: "Secretary work for Interpol, man the front desk stuff; records; management and not. Sound like your thing Royce?"

Carmelita: "That depends on what management is, Daddy. I just don't know how or what experience he has as a secretary; do you have any experience as a secretary sweety?"

Royce: "No," he firmly answers, "just factory work. Basic factory work, nothing top-tier."

Carlos: "If you're going to have a job while my daughter is also working, then you'll need a babysitter."

Royce: "Now why would I want to sit on a baby?" Royce asked Carlos with his attempt at a joke before smiling, trying not to laugh. Carmelita chuckled to his joke getting the humor behind it.

Carlos: "Why would I want to sit on a baby," Carlos asked Royce more concerned about his misinterpretation of what he getting at, "look... you don't..." then Carlos got to thinking about what Royce said and understood the comment, "Oh, that was funny! 'Babysitter' I get cha! Clever! But seriously though, if you're considering on getting a job, you two will need a babysitter to look after Hoshimi when you two are working."

Royce: "I got someone in mind, but no one in here is going to like it?"

Carmelita: "Why would I not Sweetheart?"

Royce: "First of all," Royce started directing his voice and attention towards his Vixen wife, "you two don't have pleasantries with each other in the past, and Second..."

Carmelita: "What?"

Royce: "Ex-forger; member of Klaww Gang; professional lounge lizard, is a purple-marine iguana." Royce hinted to his wife. Who got the idea of whom he was referring to, "and the fact that the both of you don't have such good histories together because of Sly Cooper."

Carmelita: "You want to hire, let me rephrase that, US to take Dimitri Lousteau on as a babysitter?! A criminal as a babysitter?! That's it, you have have crossed the line Royce DeBarry and I'm drawing it right here~"

Royce: "But~"

Carmelita: "No buts. I will not, I repeat NOT have a child (of mine raised) with criminal-like delinquent behaviors all because of my human-husband's irrational decisions."

Royce: "BUT HE'S CHANGED," Royce tried his hardest not to yell at his wife only to sob in tears, "he's not a forger, or associates with criminal or criminal activities, gots his own TV show and I know him personally."

Carmelita: "How do you expect me to believe me that Dimitri Lousteau isn't a criminal before I threw him in prison?" Royce then urges Carmelita towards the TV and turns it to a certain channel where he usually watches reality TV before bringing up Dimitri Lousteau's scuba diving adventures featuring Dimitri himself. "No kidding... seems to have changed."

Royce: "Did I forget to mention he was also an Ex-Cooper Gang member?"

Carmelita: "Don't push it." Royce only gulped as a result.

Royce DeBarry x Carmelita FoxWhere stories live. Discover now