💎Date Gone Wrong💎

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Wes's pov:

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Wes's pov:

I stood at the foyer of the restaurant I am supposed to have my date in. I scanned myself in the mirror, probably the hundredth time today. Adjusting my collar, I walked inside with the bouquet of white roses in my right hand. The Captain said my date loves roses, especially the white ones. I hope she likes them. I needed this date because all I get to see from the past few months are Captain's sour face and Michael's gloomy expressions.

A waitress came smiling towards me, her complexion giving away her deep red flush. "Sir, have you already reserved a table?" She asked.

"Why else would I be standing in the reserved section?" I replied. Her blush grew a little more and her eyes narrowed a little. Well...

"Sure sir follow me. Is your partner waiting at table no? 25?"

"How am I supposed to know that?" I asked genuinely. She didn't seem too happy about my lack of knowledge.

"Is it a beautiful lady sir?" She said in a sharp and impatient voice. I have a feeling she won't ask for my number tonight.

"Oh but all ladies are equally beautiful for me including you of course" I answered winking. She was taken off by that, I could tell by her startled eyes.

"Uh sure...why don't you check your cellphone sir? We must have sent you the table number"

"Oh ok," I took out my phone and checked my inbox. Captain had forwarded my mail from the restaurant.

"It is table no. 25," I said smiling.

"Ok then follow me sir" The way she says 'follow me', strangely reminds me of Captain. Are they cousins?

But I couldn't dwell on that thought much since I saw her. She was sitting with her back to me but I was still nervous. I had never seen such a pretty back before. She has a distinct vibe around her. The customers from other tables were stealing glances at her and their girlfriends didn't look so pleased about it. The waitress bowed and left. I cleared my throat behind her.

She turned.

Jen's pov:

"Can I?" I asked Captain Clint pointing at the towel on the chair. He nodded, rubbing his neck. I took it rubbing my hair aggressively with it. I just took a shower and since it was too late to go home we came to Captain's house. I never thought I would be so happy to come back to this 18th-century jail.

Captain looked a little shy after our heavy making-out session. That made me happy. I smiled when he glanced away when our eyes confronted in the mirror. He even took me from the back gate. It made me so euphoric that I was ready to kiss him again in front of a very disgusted Wes who was pestering him to return his jeep and book his date. Whatever that means. 

"Captain, can you sleep with me tonight?" I asked him when he was getting out of the room. It caught him so much off guard that I almost felt like I am taking permission to assault his pure soul.

"What?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"What? It's not like I am telling you to strip" I said smirking.

"I might never know. You attacked me in the car like a wild boar"

"I...ha! You are the one who threw me on the bed this afternoon"

He was onto me in an instant. His hand covered my mouth and an anxious look on his face. "You are not supposed to say that to anyone, I am warning you"

"Cap...kain ncisoxpombiuwbsi" I muttered.

He removed his hand from my face and raised a perfect brow. "Why do you always act like you have a strict dad who will whip your ass if you get involved in any naughty business. If it's about mine then let me assure you, he ships us" I said.

Captain rolled his eyes. I rolled it as well, copying him and earning a hard gaze. Ignoring him I closed the lamp on the side stand and whispered in dark, "Join me if you want. It's your bed after all"

I could still see him standing still in the dark probably contemplating whether it's safe to go into enemy territory. I snuggled in the covers closing my eyes. Then I counted.

One. One and a half. Two. Two and a half. Two and a quarter. The-

A figure climbed on the bed behind me. A slow smile crept on my face. He has given up to stay away from me. Captain Clint, now you are in my control. 

Wes's pov:

She turned. And I want to gag myself. I want to go and disinfect my eyes. I want to murder Clint. That bastard!

"You?" She whispered, shocked.

No, your grandma hoe. I wish I was Michael, he would have said that on her face. But lucky her I don't curse at women. "What do you think you are doing here?"

"I should be the one asking you that," She said, her eyes turning feral. She was wearing a mask to hide her face, the only good thing she has done today. I would have puked if I saw her bare-faced.

The waitress came again, unaware of the obvious tension between us."Sir, do you want to order a couple menu?"

"NO! NO! She is like my sister. Although, I wouldn't even want a sister like her '' I shouted in surprise. The waitress cringed in confusion.

Alissa sneered and showed me the middle finger. "What?! As if I want to get out with you"

"Hey, are you trying to pick a fight with me?" I shouted at her as she strolled out of the restaurant.

She wasn't able to go away. She slammed into a man with white hair.

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