💎Misleading Actions💎

57 14 19

Captain's pov:

Rotating the Rubix cube in my hand, I stared at the screen of my cell phone in pure distaste. A fake blonde-haired woman's picture smiled back through it.

The phone rang again after getting disconnected for the fourteenth time. If she didn't stop ringing it, I would burn this phone to the ashes. It disconnected for the fifteenth time. I looked at it suspiciously, a message notification displayed on the screen. Scowling, I picked it up, swiping I read the message of irritating Alissa Trainor.

I am assuming that you are busy Captain. It's been a while, let's meet up!


I scoffed in irritation. If she wasn't a female, I would have punched her over and over again without hesitation. I would have choked her irritating mouth until she wouldn't be able to speak. I threw the phone away, it crashed into the wall, breaking in half.

"Code red! Code read!" An urgent voice spoke suddenly.

I gazed at the walky-talky on my table.

Snatching it up, I spoke back.

"It's Wolf 007! What's the status?"

"Captain! Intruder in the basecamp! Intrude-" A dead silence followed back.

Taking out my revolver from the door roughly, I raced to the compound of the sleeping soldiers with a jacket in my hand. I knocked loudly on the first door of the hall. A drowsy-looking man stepped out without a shirt. I shoved the jacket in his face.

"What the-" Wes Eastwood, second in command, started to speak before I cut him off.

"Shut up fool. There is an intruder in the camp. Wake up the best men's we have" I snapped.

His expressions became serious in a blink and all the confusion dropped from his brown eyes. Pulling a hand through his black hair, he stood up straight.

"Yes sir!" He exclaimed saluting.

Wes usually never respected me as a senior as I made the mistake of considering him as my best friend four years ago but he was professional at times like this and didn't hesitate to follow orders.

He rounded up the men in five minutes, all of them ready and awake.

"What's the plan, sir?" Michael Gove asked as we moved towards the main lobby of the building.

"I and Wes are heading towards the compound where the families and kitchen staff are staying. Matt will head out of the building and secure the perimeter with his men. You and the rest of the soldiers are going to wake everyone in this compartment and then head towards the General's office" I said going through the instructions.

"Yes sir!" All of the soldiers saluted and headed to their destinations.

"Are you sure that four men are enough to secure the General's office?" Wes asked with a frown on his face.

"I am sure," I replied. They are here for families, not general.

Glancing at the lobby that led to the staff compound, we both checked for any movements and sound. I nodded at Wes, and we both raced ahead after not hearing any sound. The noise of our boots making contact with the marble floor vibrated through the lobby. We both stopped suddenly and looked at the intersection where the compound was divided into two parts.

Motioning Wes to move in the B compound, I slowly moved inside the A compound with guarded steps. I stepped near the first door on my right, it was half-open.

I pushed it open slowly and carefully, a child of 5 or 6 years sat on the chair with a packet of chips in his hands. His round eyes widened in fear watching me.

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