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Jen's pov:

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Jen's pov:

"What?" I asked. He flashed the drugs in my face again.

"Why do you have cocaine in your pocket, Jen?" Captain repeated with a harsh tone.

Seemingly speechless and confused for a moment I spoke after a few seconds, "Wha...I don't know! It's not mine. I swear I.."

"I know it's not yours. But why do you have this? Use your brain smart mouth" Captain tapped my forehead with his fingers.

"You...you don't even know if that's his" I jumped in defense of my friend. My heart rate increased. Did Ralph put it in my pocket? But when? He was injured...how?

"I never said it's a he. But that's all the confirmation I needed" Captain said with a locked jaw.

"You kissed me for proving a point?" I asked. So he just cornered me in a bathroom and sucked my neck like a straw to pull out a drug?

"I never kissed you" Captain denied with a straight face.

What the fu-?!

"So you were just sniffing for some cocaine on me Captain Delusional" I fired. If he said yes, it's official, I am going to kill this man!

"Ye,s" He answered. Okay, that's my cue!

I launched myself on him. I attempted to knee him in the sunshine but Captain caught my knee sooner than I could lift it two feet. It's like he saw my act, coming from miles away. He nudged me on the tiles behind, and then we both slipped on the wet floor.

There goes my old spine.

Strangely the floor never met my head, he caught my head in his hand and landed on top of me with a funny face. I wish I could snap it. I groaned because of the weight, Damn Captain you are thick. After a minute of groans of pain in our limbs, Captain decided to get up and hold on to the shower tap. It opened spraying us both wet.

What the hell is happening today?!

I thought but strings of thought left my mind when Captain finally got up, without bothering to turn off the tap. The water sprayed down his body, making his white shirt almost transparent. I was at a loss for words when he flicked his hair in the water.

My god. Who is he? And what has he done with Cruel Captain? Is this man trying to seduce me?!

He looked down at me with his grey hooded eyes intensely burning in mine. And I realized he wasn't the only one who got sprayed on.

I tugged at my top self consciously, a muscly hand extended to help me up. I took it, but not before trailing my eyes up and down it, admiring the muscles. When we were finally at eye level, Captain held on to my waist tightly. The water continued to spray down on both of our faces. I gulped when he kept looking at my lips.

"I didn't kiss you" He repeated, more like he was repeating it to himself.

"Yeah, I just said you were sniffing my neck period," I said venomously. It seemed like he was trying very hard not to smirk.

"You can't tell that to anyone. It never happened"

"Oh yeah or what?" He moved closer to me. And I am sure that Michael and Wes can hear my heartbeat from the other room.

"Or...I will kiss you again. And it's not neck this time" He answered honestly. "And you don't want it. You are going to hate it as much as I will"

He is right. I don't want it. I don't want this intensity that's giving me a heart attack right now. Or these eyes that take my breath away every time they look at me. Those lips felt so soft at my neck. Softer than anything else. I will hate when we have to part after this mission. He doesn't have time for love. And I have had a betrayal before. It's too much.

It's too...sinfully good. This feeling...it's too sinful.

"You are right, I don't want this" I confirmed. His eyes turned darker as if he wasn't expecting this answer. Disappointment, something I have never seen on his face so plain before.

"I will be honest to you Captain. I am not someone who gets attached easily so you can rest easy. But don't keep giving me these mixed signals, it makes me confused. If you don't want it then please lose your hold on my waist. That's misleading" I said smirking.

The Captain blinked two times and then left my waist and distanced himself from me like I was lit on fire. And that I am. Who won't be after all this crazy shower exercise?

Annoyed that water seemed cold somehow when Captain wasn't under it, I closed it. I loosened my hair from my ponytail, Captain looked away quickly staring holes in the door.

"Captain I..." I started but was shocked when I heard some muffled laughter from outside. Captain and I shared a confused look.

We both pressed our ears together on the door.


"Shut up! They will hear it" Michael said in an annoyed voice.

"But I heard Jen say, 'Captain'. What are they doing inside? Is that why Clint sent us away? Dam,n I had no idea that my best friend is so thirsty" Wes said giggling.

Inside I stifled my giggle. Captain looked ready to shoot someone. I decided to open the door and wrapped a towel around my shoulder and dropped one on Captain's head. I have got to open this quickly before he shoots us all.

Before I could turn the knob, he caught my hand. "I meant it. Don't tell anyone about it. Especially Michael"

"Yes! I won't!" I whispered irritated.

Why is he acting like he just cheated on Michael?


This song is my religion.

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