💎Ride with Captain💎

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Ralph breathed a sigh of relief when we both lay on the mattress together

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Ralph breathed a sigh of relief when we both lay on the mattress together. It was surely a tiring day.

"Are you ok? Does your shoulder still hurt?" He asked, inspecting my shoulder.

"I am fine now" He looked extremely sad for some reason when I told him that.

"Are you?" Ralph asked again. I turned slowly, to face him. He looked deep into my eyes and I looked back.

"Yes, yes I am. Don't worry about it" I said squeezing his hands, tightly holding both hands in mine. He squeezed back and we kept staring at each other until we both fell asleep.

The next day, a funeral was held for the soldier who died. The whole basecamp was put upon a high alert. We all paid our respects. There was no family member to accept the honor provided. Captain had a sour look on his face. He caught me gaping at him across the field. He gazed back with a steely look in his eyes.

"He blames us for sure," I said as soon as Ralph entered the room with me. Ralph shook his head in disapproval.

"I don't think so" He replied, grimacing a little.

"What is happening?" I asked, confused and overwhelmed all of a sudden.

My eyes filled with tears that ran down my face freely into Ralph's shirt as I lay my head down on his shoulder. A knock stopped the rhythmic patting of his hand on my hair. We both looked at the soldier standing near the door. I recognized him in an instant as the man who took me to my father last night after the attack.

"Uhm...Your father wants to speak with both of you mam" He explained.

"Okay," I replied, clearing my throat.

We both followed the second in command, Wes into an underground meeting room. Ralph exchanged uneasy glances with me throughout the walk. He was uneasy from the moment we had entered the basecamp, two days ago. His shoulders remained tensed as we kept following him into the darkness. A faint scent of cigars reached our noses. The tunnel finally opened up to a bright corridor. A whole lot of officials sat around the table, looking at the presentation on a screen in front of them. My eyes widened as I saw my picture show up on the screen.

"-We need to stay more careful. Already lost one" The soldier stopped as all three of us entered the room.

The officials turned around to stare at us. Ralph turned as well to look at him. I looked back as if to say- ok this is awkward! I found the familiar face of my father in the crowd and held his eyes in concern and uncertainty. Along his side, Captain Clint gave both of us no attention and stared at the paper in his hands with a fierce look.

"Go on sit" My father ordered both me and Ralph in his General voice. We both sat down on the chair awkwardly.

"The reason you both are called here is that..your life is in danger," One of the officials I haven't seen in the camp said addressing us.

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