💎Tough Boy💎

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Jen's pov:

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Jen's pov:

"Well, now you know" Captain affirmed while I stared at him open-mouthed.

This man... can't possibly be Captain. He apologized to me and now this. I stared at him with narrowed eyes as he tiptoed on the stairs above keeping me behind with a hand open in front of my face like a 'stop danger ahead sign'.

He halted at the last stair and after fixing me with his hard gaze on the place I stood, he sprinted in action. He jumped up on the back of one of the men who was double his size and hit him with his gun.

The other men walked towards them with a fist raised, like a smooth gymnast, he slipped down between the open legs of the first men. I wanted to clap but being squished by two bulldozers is not my idea of a fun date with Captain. The other men couldn't comprehend what happened fast enough and punched the other one in the face. The one who took the punch became angry with the first one and slapped him across the face.

I chuckled in shock and surprise. Oh shit! Meanwhile, Captain waved his hand for me to follow him while the two men butted head with each other in anger. As we ran towards the only door of the room on that floor, the fighting behind us stopped.

"You idiot! The Captain is gone!" They said together in unison.

"You know them?" I asked as Captain casually kicked on the door and unhinged it from its place.

"Yes they were trained by me" He answered as the door broke, falling inside the room. I looked back at the two of them, they were blushing and huffing but made no move to catch us.

"You are a bad trainer" I whispered, only to receive a death glare from Captain.

We entered inside and were not surprised to find a smirking handsome man and a terrified-looking Alissa. He particularly grinned at Captain with shinning eyes and hugged him tightly.

Wait hold up?!

"It's been a while Captain," He said slapping his back. Captain shoved him away with a scowl and irritated face.

"Yes. I did not wish to meet you like this! What is this childishness?!" He asked.

The mysterious guy chuckled like there couldn't be anything more fun than what Captain just said. And his chuckle is so contagious that I want to chuckle as well.

No! He is a bad guy.

"Childishness. I wouldn't say that if I were you" He warned with a steely gaze.

"Well, that escalated quickly" I grumbled from behind. His gaze went from Captain to mine, his eyebrows went up to his hairline.

"General's daughter?" He said as if confirming the fact.

"No, I am Captain's daughter. Duh"I said in a deadpan voice. Captain coughed like he had a sudden fit, the mysterious man giggled and Alissa's face turned from the scared puppy to that of a disgusted neighbor. I should stop all these daddy jokes circulating in my mind.

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