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I love you girl . Marcus said on the phone whining . Moe had the phone on mute laughing . Marcus always was telling her that shit but she was just playing him like she did the rest .

She looked over at her best friend Melody .
"Watch this" she said unmuting her phone .
"I love you too bae" she said chuckling . He immediately started crying . She had her phone on mute while her and melody was cracking up .

"Oh shit ma you love a nigga for real , I can't wait to build a family with you . Imma love you forever . I'm finna cash app you some money bae . I love you so much" he said while sniffling a little .

"Okay let me call you back"

She hung up the phone and her and melody was dying on the floor . She Hadn't gave the nigga none and he was acting crazy . Only thing sexual they ever did was he ate her out .

"Bitch you got these niggas pressed" melody said hyping her up . "Bitch fuck pressed they melted" moe said .

Her cash app went off and he sent her $300 . She smirked .

"You such a player" melody said shaking her head .

Moe was indeed that . She wasn't your average sit up and cry over a dude type . She was the one the dude cried over .

"You know how I do it" moe said still laughing .

"Well imma get going before my moms get all worried and send my brother over here"

Moe looked at melody and back at her phone .

"Okay tell your fine ass brother I said hi"

Melody  rolled her eyes .

"He don't want yo ass how many times imma tell you that" melody said getting up throwing her water bottle away in the kitchen.

"I know I just like messing with him" moe said truthfully .

Moe knew melodys brother would never talk to her only cause she was young and her reputation. She wasn't known as a hoe tho . Niggas had mad respect for her and bitches feared her . Honestly everybody wanted to fuck with moe but she knew better . Bitches nor niggas  couldn't be trusted and she would hate to have to end a bitch life for playing with her .

"I'm out . Love you" melody bent down giving her a hug . Moe accepted . She soon left . Moe got up and locked the door .

She lived by herself since 15 years old . Her sister would sometimes spend the night . She was the one who helped out with the bills but it wasn't high since she lived in the slum .

Her sister Monica was a stripper , that's how she was able to stay on her own . Her mom was a junkie and her dad well he was a rapist . More like sexual offender . Some people in wynwood thought he touched her and sister but that wasn't the truth .

Moe got up and went on her porch to smoke her blunt . She lived on the 3rd floor . Which was in the front of the street . Everybody knew everybody in wynwood .

"What's up moe" some dudes called up to her .

She didn't wave or nothing she just looked and gave a head nod . She had a okay life . For now

She was almost done with her blunt until Tyrone pulled up in his rang rover . Tyrone was somebody that moe messed with for a while they started kicking it back in the summer and he was geeked . He got out the car in a black Nike sweat suit .

"WHY THE FUCK YOU ANIT ANSWERING MY CALLS" Tyrone yelled causing a scene .

If moe didn't hate anything else in life it was loudness and all that crazy shit . Yeah she was a hothead but she was calm .

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