Clifhanger shit .

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I love all the reads but I would LOVE reading comments I wanna know what y'all think . Excuse the grammar mistakes.

Monica and cash sat in the waiting room . Right now they were at the clinic for Monica's last check up . She was now 39weeks and would be going into labor in a couple days .

"Peterson" a Asian nurse called out . Monica carefully got up and wobbled to where the nurse had the door open . Cash followed behind her .

"Here sit in here until doctor Loki comes . He'll be here shortly" the nurse said closing the door leaving cash and Monica alone .

Cash just stared around the office until he felt someone staring him down . He quickly looked over at Monica who had heavy bags under her eyes . She turned her head away when cash looked her way .

"you look like shit" cash told her .

"Oh wow thanks - I am 9months carrying not only 1 but 2 children" Monica retorted back .

"your welcome" .

Monica scoffed and just dropped her head looking down at her lap in deep thought . Not only did she have to put up with cash , Tj still hadn't been around at all . He didn't even check up on Monica .

"Where ole boy at?" Cash said causing Monica to snap outta her thoughts .

"I don't know he doesn't call. It's like he don't even care"

Cash Just shook his head . He knew Tj they were cool , but he felt like he had a responsibility now - to take care of his kid doesn't matter the situation.

After a couple of minutes dr. Loki walked in with a faint smile . "Heyy soon to be parents - let's get started Monica go ahead and lay back for me".

Tarra and Moe walked into Evangelines house carrying a couple of store bought bags . They looked to be having a jolly time .

"I have a surprise for you also" Tarra said walking infront of Moe as they headed to the kitchen where her grandmother and supposedly her mother Michelle was . As soon as she walked in the smile on her face turned into a blank emotionless expression.

"SURPRISE- I brought-" before tarra could finish her sentence Moe flew like supermen over to the frightened person .

"It's not mines" Drew spoke calmly as he looked down at the pregnancy test .

"It's not yours! Did you really let that stupid shit come out your mouth!" Tyler yelled already frustrated as she turned her whole body towards Drew while sitting on top of the toilet.

He shrugged . "Abort it" . Tears began streaming down Tyler's pretty brown skinned face .

"You anit shit! We've been fucking around with each other this whole got damn time but since you got a new bitch - WHAT? you done with me now !!"
Tyler was now standing up crying , the hormones was getting to her .

"Listen I have other shit to deal with . So here" Drew walked to the living room pulling like 2 bands from his backpack he had sitting on Tyler's nude leather sofa . He walked back to the guest bathroom Tyler was in . "Take it - abort it - kill it I really don't care I just can't have no kids right now or even deal with this" he threw the money in Tyler's chest .

Tyler looked up with the saddest puppy dog face like someone stole her candy . Her tears were still sliding across her face .

Drew looked at her with the most emotionless facial expression like he had no care in the world . He stood there 10 more seconds before nodding his head and leaving out the bathroom and then out the house completely.

Tyler did a dramatic slide to the ground .
She cried and cried until an idea popped in her head . She quickly ran to get her phone out her master room and ran back into the bathroom . She washed her face off with some warm water so she didn't look so flushed . She then combed her weave down . She grabbed the two pregnancy test off the counter and took many selfie's with them .

She sent them to the one and only . "That'll show him" Tyler mumbled.
I grabbed a hold of his dick while I balanced myself . He sloppily kissed me while making all types of low groans and moans .

"Sit on it" he basically pushed me down on his medium length dick . I moaned out loud as he took control of my body . He had a good grip on my hips as he bounced me up and down .

"I'm cumming" he said in a low raspy voice . Thank god. I thought .

He flipped me over on my back and started pounding my shit doing all types of groaning indicating he was about to bust a nut .

"Mommy - mommy" Bryan ran into the room witnessing the white middle age dude on top of me .

"Brain -" I tried to say but my sentence was cut off my Adam groaning and laying flat on top of me busting his kids inside of me .

"No - no noooo please tell me you didn't" I had this look of worried on my face . My baby Bryan ran over . "Get off my mommy get off my mommy stranger!" he yelled

"BRYAN TAKE YO ASS OUT NOW!" I shouted making Bryan scared to death . He quickly ran out going into his room. As soon as he did  I pushed Adam off me .

"Get the fuck out! NOW!" I demanded standing up throwing on my light pink rose robed that was on the floor . He laid butt naked in my bed chuckling like something was funny . He got his senses together and then stood up over me bending down to whisper something in my ear . "Good fuck" he laughed even harder .

I was beyond disgusted, but what was I gonna do I needed the money . He got dressed and left only $800 on the dresser . I made sure he got out and went back into my room .

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed as I went into my bathroom. I hated my life beyond measures .

Wanted to give y'all something!!

What y'all think ?

Tyler and Drew ?

How about Chrissy ?

Who do y'all think Moe saw ?

Stay tuned and if you haven't check out my new book "corrupted" !!!!

edited .

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