Straight up bull

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"Heyy bryan " Moe smiled while grabbing her little brother out of Chrissy's arms. Moe made her way over to the sofa . She looked over at the door and noticed Chrissy still standing right there .

"Chrissy bring your ass inside why are you still at the door"

Chrissy hesitantly came in . "Lock it back" Moe demanded. Chrissy did exactly what Moe instructed her too . Moe was checking on Bryan making sure everything with him was good . She looked at Chrissy who had took a sit next too her .

"So what's up with my dad"

"He um is getting out"

"Oh wow they reduced his sentence . Why?" Moe farrowed her eyebrows while she was rocking Bryan , he was gradually going to sleep .

"Because I somewhat got my parents to request a retrial so he'll be out this week come Saturday until the trial starts" Chrissy was fidgeting with her fingers as if something was wrong .

"well aren't you supposed to be happy why are you acting like that"

"I don't want to see him okay and I really don't want him around my son not after everything popped off" Chrissy sniffled .

Her and Moes dad Von was messing around . She was only 16 while he was 37 yes it was consensually. Von didn't know she was that young until she ended up pregnant her parents claimed it was rape , Chrissy tried her best to tell them no she wanted him but they threatened to abort her baby . Bryan .

When von heard about the charges and him having to do time for messing around with a minor . He lost it he called Chrissy out her name , treated as if she was trash he didn't care . He felt Chrissy should've been straight up instead she lied and now his freedom had to be taken away because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants.

"Chrissy listen I can't tell you what to do because he's your kid all I can say is the decision is yours to make , now the situation was fucked up because you did lie so hold yourself to that shit"

"I know I just wish it was different you know?" Tears dropped down poor Chrissys face .

"Aye Chrissy imma tell you straight up cause I like you Bryan is your son fuck von if you don't want the Nigga around then he'll have to respect your rules" Moe said pointing to a sleeping Bryan . "And on top of that stop talking to his old ass , when he get out don't call him , text nun of that let him know what's up only time you should be seeing his old ass is when the trial starts back up"

Chrissy wiped her face , somehow Moes blunt words brought a little courage to her .

"Now where y'all staying"

"Um we was at a hotel and -" before she could finish her sentence Moe cut off her .

"Listen just sleep on the couch alright I got covers and pillows , if you want Bryan can sleep with me or in here with you"

"He'll be good out here with me thank you so much moe it means a lot"

"Don't mention it , if you want to take a bath and everything the towels and rags ..." Moe trailed off telling Chrissy where everything was . She had to give Chrissy something to sleep in and they just laid Bryan down on the couch since he was already sleep . Moe laid down herself .

She didn't like everybody all in her space but she had a little soft spot for her brother , she knew Chrissy was struggling bad , her parents kicked her out as soon as she had Bryan . She gave birth to him at the hospital and they disappeared. They even tried to be nasty and take Bryan away , with her grandmother Evangeline help Chrissy was able to keep her baby .

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