Go big or go home

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Heyyyy we gonna act like I update weekly 😂💕💕💕

excuse mistakes please n thanks ...

"Jema getcho ass up" Julez pulls Jema up out the bed . Before Jema can even agree or get out of bed herself . Julez had already snatched her out of the bed and was basically dragging her to the other side of this home .

"Julez!" Jema called his name out .

"Where are we going?" She questioned as they made it behind a door Julez told her to never go in .

Julez never answered her . Instead he tapped on a screen and lit up bright making Jema squint her eyes .

"You know who the fuck this is" Julez asked referring to the men that was on the camera snooping around the hallway .

Since his door was the only one in the hallway - Julez concluded that he was an enemy.

"Y- yes that's bk" Jema said not so surely .

"So you know this nigga"

"y-y-es thats bobby aka bk he works for -" Jema stops mid sentence . Julez looked over at her waiting for her to finish her sentence.


"Well I just thought I would give you a call" ms penny said smiling.

"Of course you can call me anytime ms penny - or should I say grandma" Tyler laughed making ms penny do a awkward "not so much" smile .

Hell ms penny barley liked Melody she damn sho didn't like Tyler for her to be that formal .

"Excuse me ms penny someone's at my door" Tyler said . Penny nodded her head .

"Who is it ?" Tyler asked .

No answer .

"Who is it" Tyler asked again .

"Open the door" Fred said .

"I don't know who the fuck you are but I'm pregnant so I don't want what you selling-

Before Tyler could finish her sentence her door was getting shot up making her run to the other side falling on the ground .

Fred popped the lock so now the door was officially open .

"Honey are you okay . Tyler are you alright" ms penny asked worried since she heard the gunshots threw the phone .

"NOO HELP ME-" Tyler tried to scream but Theo grabbed her by her weave and covered her mouth .

"Hang up thee phone mon" Theo Instructed Fred . Fred quickly hung up and powered off her phone throwing at the wall .

Tyler cried even more since no one was able to know where she was .

Tyler tried to squirm away until Theo hit her in the back making her Yelp out in pain .

"Get up beautiful don't cry" Fred bent down wiping her tears . Theo let go of her mouth and flipped her over .

"Please don't rape me - please" Tyler said out of breath .

Fred and Theo shared a laugh .

"Cum on mon handle her so we can go" Theo said causing Tyler to cry and try to fight .

Fred tried to get her but she was throwing powerful punches . Fred had no other choice but to gun butt her making her vision go blurry and then black .


"Alright peaches gone now" Drew said as he made his way to the back of the trap . He was there checking the money , drugs and etc .

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