Laugh at this shit

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"We're gathered here today because we have lost one of our love ones , zeekoir Finn was an amazing son ,brother , and father . We hate to see him go and he will be truly missed" the apostle said .

Drew, Moe , dice , Cody were at Zee's funeral. All you heard was hollering and crying . Many people came out due to Zee's death .

Cash wasn't there due to Monica just giving birth and Julez was at the trap coming up with an plan for payback .

Melody and Drew were iffy . Melody wasn't talking to him - she honestly hadn't talked to anyone about Drew cheating and conceiving a child with Tyler . Moe only knew a little because Melody just said her and Drew weren't on speaking terms . Moe didn't know the whole story . The boys did though due to Drew telling them .

After the apostle got done with his speech , they lowered zee into the ground . Great pain fell upon everyone as they watched .

His babymomma watched as she held her baby girl in her hands and her little boys hand who was dressed in a tuxedo looking sharp .

She had the little girl dressed up in a black dress . Her little girl hair was out wild , the little girls hair looked bigger then her , and looked as if her mom hadn't did it in a while .

After the funeral everyone started heading to their cars .

"Aye Josie" dice called out . Him and Moe walked over to her .

"Yeah" Josie put her little girl down as she had her makeup smeared from crying . She turned to face dice who called her .

"If you need anything me and the boys here . We gonna make sure you straight fo zee" dice told her .

She scoffed . Moe instantly farrowed her eyebrows at josies response.

"Listen here me and my kids straight we don't need nothing from you or yo boys" Josie spoke in her thick Spanish accent as she pointed towards Cody and Drew who were walking up to them also .

"If zee would've listened to me in the beginning he wouldn't be dead right now ! So leave me be . He's dead , so therefore I'm straight me and mines" Josie said as a couple of tears escaped her eyes .

"He didn't have to be generous and offer nothing-" Moe started to say something until dice jerked her arm .

"We understand- we still gonna be here if anything sorry for your lost - beautiful kids by the way" Cody told Josie .

Josie just rolled her eyes and grabbed the little girl . Her little boy was somewhere with family . She walked quickly to the car .

"Moe yo ass gotta chill can't you see she just lost a love one" Cody said to Moe .

Dice just shook his head . "Come on before we be out here fighting" he grabbed Moes hand and they walked to his truck .

Cody and Drew also left .

"I'm saying - she lost her money men , her money men is dead as fuck . How she gonna provide for them fucking kids . Now if you would've never offered it would've been "they don't care" but since we did it's fuck us . No fuck her and them kids" Moe went off as dice flew down the high way .

Dice just shook his head at Moe going off .
"You sum else man"

"Naw fr tho . Bitches be having the game fucked up"

"Okay calm down I'm finna slide you by yo sister house . The rest of the girls there"

"Why can't I come with y'all to the trap and help - cause I'm a girl don't mean nun you know that" Moe eyed him .

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