Grown shit

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Ring ring ring .

"Hello- hellooooo" Moe said into the phone . No answer . "Ughh" Moe groaned as she hung up her iPhone 11 . As of now she was moving into her new apartment upstairs , her being her and just having to be independent she was doing it by herself .

In fact she felt as if she only had a couple boxes so she could do it all by herself but everytime Moe went down stairs and back up she regretted her decision for not wanting or asking for help but was Moe going to say anything . Noo

Knock , knock .

A couple of knocks startled Moe because she was still down in her old apartment with the front door wide open she was collecting more boxes to bring up, she looked to the front and their stood this middle age men , muscled up and tall with a dark skin complexion. His salt beard look grown out and made his face even more handsome . He had on some dark blue Jean pants that's looked a little big and a white t- shirt . The same clothes he got locked up in .

"Von" Moe said eyed him while looking at the door way.Moe knew her dad was getting out on Saturday but it still kinda amazed her seeing him in the flesh . It had been four years almost five .

"In the flesh - come here babygirl" he walked over to Moe and gave a her a tight hug . But Moe cut it short .

"What's wrong" he looked down at his babygirl with a frown .

"N-nothing it's just weird seeing you in the flesh that's all I mean I haven't talked nor seen you in a little minute"

"Yeah well that come from not visiting me or even accepting my calls - good thing for Chrissy I had money on my books and was able to get commissary and stuff like that" von trailed on . He was telling the truth , when he got locked up of course Monica was the only one who wanted to see and talk to him all the time - Moe on the other hand wasn't with all that so she told Evangeline about Monica and how she was acting and her grandmother put a block on the phone .

"Don't tell me Chrissy drove you over here" Moe frowned . She had told Chrissy a couple days ago about that shit . Chrissy always came crying about von and Moe would always give her advice but it's like Chrissy was stuck and dumb . Desperate for a fuck nigga

"She did - why?" He asked taking a seat on the couch . Moe didn't get rid of all the furniture and stuff yet . She was believe it or not debating on giving Chrissy the old apartment . Only thing is Chrissy had to pay the rent that wasn't that much . But now she was second thinking it since it seemed like her father and Chrissy was all buddied up .

"Just asking - anyways have you went to see Monica yet" Moe said changing the subject .

"No not yet I thought she'll be here with you - y'all still on good terms right"

Moe had to think for a second was they On good terms? "Yeah we cool , but whenever you get a chance she over at gmas house"

"Oh where's Michelle?"

"On the street somewhere snorting all the powder" Moe rolled her eyes .

Von shook his head . "Don't speak about your mother that way- yes everybody makes mistakes but sometimes-"

"Did you see Bryan and how big he got he looked just like you and Monica to me" Moe cut him off . She didn't want to talk about her mother at all . That was a conversation for a rainy day .

"Yeah I saw chestnut- he got so big and he favors me a lot" Von reminisced on when he saw his boy get out the car , he was so big he hadn't really seen Bryan like that ever since he was at least one after that Chrissy stopped bringing him which was another piece of Moes advice .

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