oh my fuck ..

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A whole week basically went past and nobody heard anything from melody .

Today was Saturday morning - the day of Olivias funeral .

"dice" moe called . She was ready in her all white . Dice sister said mama shouldn't be buried with all them looking sad in black -instead they should wear white to represent her new life .

Dice being dice said he ain't wearing no white . He is sad , it is a sad day and his mama ain't got no new life she dead.

"ya I guess" dice said coming out the room with a small frown on his face . He wore a black saint Laurent suit with some black smooth black shoes . He had on no jewelry but his black tinted glasses . Dice didn't know if he could get through the whole funeral without crying . Dice refused to just "let it out" infront of people he didn't know or didn't trust .

Moe stood looking at him in her all white . She looked like a goddess . She had just got her hair done and her inches were 30+ . Her nails were done short but white . Her lashes were done all dramatic and her eyebrows had been waxed . Her white dressed hugged her body showing off her new curves and booty that dice helped her get ( ifykyk 😭) .

Dice and moe eyes met . Dice walked calmly over to moe not breaking their eye contact. He stood over her before he bent down in her ear .

"If it wasn't such a sad day , I'd fuck you till you cry" he said with a "I'm so dead serious" face .

Moe felt herself get so wet she had to cross her legs . She smiled . Dice didn't but she knew he wanted too .

"Let's go now" he said to her before grabbing her purse off the table and handing it to her .

Moe followed behind him . They locked up and were on the way .

""I'm leaving - you sure you don't want to come" he asked melody .

Melody was in the kitchen with his t- shirt on cooking food .

"Uh no" melody said thinking about it . "Not that I don't want to support you , it's just I know he's going to be there and I really - " melody was about to explain herself but he cut her off .

"You are supporting me . You cook for me . You're here with me . So if you don't wanna come that's fine . " he explained to her putting on his white jacket .

"Why are you wearing "white" to a funeral anyways" she asked .

"Because my sister wanted us . She said to not be sad and we need to welcome my mom to her new life - but I know we'll wear white ,I bet my little brother wears black" he laughed to himself .

"Who ? Dice ? He the baby?"

"Yes he definitely is " he said .

"No wonder him and moe act alike . She the baby too" melody laughed .

"Mmh" he said getting up - he doubled checked to make sure he wasn't leaving anything . Before he left out he went over to melody .

"Your so pretty" he said admiring her .

"Thank you dirt" she said blushing .

He smiled at her and than left - he didn't want to be to late to the funeral so he sped all the way there leaving melody at his house alone .

"We're gathered here today to mourn the life of Olivia aka my livyyy" Pastor Warren said aka Olivia's step dad .

Everybody came out for her not only because they knew the lady but for dice , his sister and his brother dirt . Everybody wore white and ofc dice stood tall , NOT giving one fuck in his black . Of course people had something to say but moe wasn't going for nothing . If her dense ass man wanna wear black he could and what ?

After a hour of pastor Warren doing the serum , it was finally time for the kids to say something .

They all walked up Dede, dirt and dice . ( I changed the sister named !!!))

Both dede and dirt both added on to each other speeches , it was touching , it was true . When it was time for dice to speak he felt his throat close and his eyes get teary . But he was a real nigga he couldn't cry - so he sucked that pain up and said "I love my mama , rest in heaven beautiful" he kissed two fingers and blew it to the sky . That hurt was gonna keep a nigga going , but damn ...

The reception and food was good , everybody got drunk , flexed they money and laughed . That's all everybody wanted was a moment of no bullshit just laughs ...

"Moe drunk asf" candy yelled out .

They rented a Airbnb to have the reception at since nobody wanted people at they shit .

Moe was sitting on dice lap as he was leaned back . He was drunk asf his self .

They laughed and drunk some more . They joked , and ate some more good ass food Dede and moe grandma made . Dede helped her make some other food too as well as deserts .

The whole gang basically came the only people missing was melody and Monica . Tyler came but she and her little pumpkin left early , Dede and her dude were still in the house while dirt had to go . Moe had been texting melody she would text back sometimes other times she wouldn't. Moe heard what happened so she damn sure wasn't tripping bout anything melody chose to do , moe still didn't know what she was doing but didn't give af long as her friend was safe .

Drew came walking fast angrily out the house .

He almost slammed his phone in candy face .  "Who the fuck is this?"

Everybody looked confused . Dice say up a lil bit .

"Aye wassa with you" Julez and Cody sat up , cash came following drew outside being nosy .

It was a video with melody and ....


Moe quickly hopped on instagram as well as everybody else and sure enough it was melody on instagram with ...

"Oh my fuck" moe and dice said at the same time .

Lol myb y'all for the late late lateeeee ass update 😩🙏🏽 DONT HATE ME TOOOO MUCH 😘

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