Sneaky shit

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January 6th 2022.....

" hi I'm Monica Peterson" Monica said .

"Hi I'm mrs Nickerson and I will help get both of your babies back" she gave a warm smile .

"Thank you" Monica said while looking down . After almost four whole months of not having her babies . She knew that they missed her . She was even having strong doubts about getting them back . Even with her and cash fighting . Which made it worse . He didn't care at all Monica thought . He basically said fuck them and their whole existence.

"So let's get started ..." mrs Nickerson gave Monica the whole run down . Basically how the kids were received into the law custody was super bad . So Monica would do a lot to prove herself to the courts but nothing she couldn't handle .
"Goodmorning" Moe woke up crawling on top of dice who was up . He looked to be thinking hard .

"What's wrong" Moe asked him as she studied his face . He looked to be stress and confused . All at the same time sad . Ever since he found out about his mom . He just haven't been the same . She wasn't dead yet but his sister and brother Dreka and dirt felt like they needed to pull the plug . Dice wasn't going for that .

"Nun" he pushed out . He took his hand and brushed over his face .

"I'm not going to badger you with questions and shit . But I do know your hurt so you needa talk about it-

"Ion need to talk about shit" he said rudely . He took Moes thigh and moved her off him .

"Alright dice ima let you have that . Youn gotta be all rude I'm just tryna be here" Moe said watching him go into the bathroom.

"You don't gotta be no fucking where . I said nun is wrong . What the fuck" dice snapped back .

"Dice fuck you" Moe said getting up going into their walk in closet .

The apartment they had fit them perfectly. It wasn't in the trenches meaning the view from both the bedroom and living room was amazing. They had a one bedroom which was very big and comfortable. Their whole apartment was flourished in grey . Moe wanted grey and pink but dice wasn't going for that girly shit . It was his apartment too .

"Fuck you too" dice shrugged his shoulders as he grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste . Hygiene was very important to both dice and Moe .

After he took his shower . Moe was now brushing her teeth as he was getting out .

Moe gave him a little side eye but nothing crazy . She was staring at herself as she brushed her teeth .

Dice wrapped his velvet black towel around him and walked up behind Moe . His big frame hovered over her .
He stared at her as she washed her mouth out .

She looked up in the mirror and met his eyes . Just gazing at her in lust .

"What the fuck you want" Moe said turning around facing him . Dice didn't say anything he just kept looking at Moria .

"You got a slick ass mouth - you know that" dice commented .

"Nigga please" Moe rolled her eyes . She than looked dead at dice in his eyes.

Moe was thinking nasty but dice was going through it . Before you knew it he snatched Moe up into the tightest hug ever .

One tear dropped from his eye . Moe just hugged him back . She knew he was hurting . Hell she can't stand her mother but if anything happened to her she'll catch a fit .

"I don't want her to leave me she's my mama you know-" dice spoke finally letting his feelings be known .

"Shhh it's ok . Even if she has to leave this earth let her leave it knowing you loved her with all your heart than some" Moe told him as she kissed his ear .

Their embrace was the sweetest thing ever . They stayed there . Dice finally accepting the fact his mom has to go and Moe just being there for her man.


"oh gosh Cassie you got so big" rue said as Cassie sat down in her chair to get her hair done . She wanted a bust down middle part 34 inch .

"All these hoes pregnant" Shirley commented as she fixed up Melodys edges . Melody had got large box plaits with dramatic edges . "I'm surprised you ain't knocked up yet" Shirley said .

Melody looked up from her phone . "Who ? Not me"

"Yes yo ass , how you let me beat you" Nikki rolled her eyes as she sat her client up under the dryer . Nikki was still the wash girl at rues shop .

Cody did everything to make her leave her job he hated it . Nikki wasn't going for it because Cody paid for everything already . She needed stash money just Incase she had to leave Cody cheating ass .

"I'm saying , if my man looked like yours I'll be knocking his boots all the damn time - shit we'll have 4, 5 gotdamn kids" Shirley laughed making everyone laugh .

Melody just sighed .

"Don't let them force you into kids girl . I know I wasn't expecting mines" Cassie said trying to make Melody feel better .

"Cassie what you having anyways" rue asked .

"I don't know yet . I'm actually having a gender reveal this week . Y'all can come if you want" Cassie said .

"Ohok I'm there" Shirley said . The rest of the girls agreed including Melody .

"What about you nik" Nikki's client asked .

"It's a boy" Nikki said .

"Oh shit ok ok . We gonna have a Cody jr running around" Shirley said as she collected her payment from Melody .

"That hoe lying she don't know what she having . She want it to be a boy" Melody rolled her eyes .

"Oh Nikki don't tell me you one of them trifling bitches that's gonna cry if it's not what you want" rue said making a face .

"I am & what about it . If it's not a boy ima cry I don't want no fucking girl" Nikki said .

"Oh you see it's bitches like you-" rue and Nikki went back and forth about the baby gender . Some of the girls that were still in the salon commented & added their thoughts also .

"That's my ride" Melody said about to head out . "Text the information to Nikki about the baby shower - I'll be there" Melody said to Cassie as she left out . Cassie okayed her and watched her hop in a black truck that looked real familiar. Cassie just shook the suspicion off . "The world ain't that damn small" Cassie thought as she tuned back into the argument .

"Ahhh yes right there" the girl screamed as Julez had her pinned up to the wall . He was fucking the shit out of the women .

After two or three rounds later they laid there in bed . Silent .

"You know if anybody found out about us - I'll be in BIG trouble" she said .

Julez laid there with his eyes closed but not asleep . "Ok" he simply responded.

"Ok" she repeated.

"Jema -

"Gin. Gin is my damn name" she reminded him .

"Ok . Gin - don't start" he still lay there with his eyes closed .

"What's your real name" gin asked .


"No like what's on your birth certificate"

"Julez" he repeated .

"Mmh" she said as she got under him . He gladly accepted. Anything for her to be quiet . He fucked with her heavy but sometimes she just asked to many damn questions . I mean it wasn't surprising since she was a detective.

He knew the boys would eat him up and spit him out if they ever found out . But he knew with gin scared of the police department finding out . He was safe .

They slowly fell asleep in each other's arms .



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