Ohh shit . (Part1)

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"Damn Moe I'm surprised he didn't kill you already" melody said .

They were at school in there last period of the day . Gym .Moe had told Melody what happened 3 days ago . Moe was shocked herself that Dice didn't come after her yet . He was just so damn ruthless that she knew only reason he was taking forever to get revenge because he had a plan . A person with a plan is a dangerous person. Mr terry would always say . Moe still kept her eye out just in case .

"Anit nobody really worried about Dice, if he want me he'll come get me other then that fuck him and his cripple ass" Moe laughed .

"You one crazy mother fucker but what's happening between you and Julez , Drew told me the other day that he was trying to fuck with you but you wasn't paying him no attention or sum like that?" Melody questioned

"Yeah girl he fine I just don't know what I wanna do with him yet . He too conceited and cocky"

"Yeah you like them quiet ones something like Dice maybe?" Melody said eyeing moe to see her reaction.

"What? Julez may be a hoe but Dice is a different breed and I been done shot him"

"Isn't that what you tried to do the other night?" Melody said .

"Don't be messy I do not like - naw I will never love ,like ,date Dice" Moe reassured her friend .

"Yeah okay , you know what they say about them hits" Melody laughed . "Good thing it was a bullet not a hit" Moe said . Melody couldn't help but to shake her head and laugh .

"But you know what you doing for your birthday" Melody asked .

"I had forgot all about that imma figure it out it most likely will be something simple" Moe shrugged . She had forgot all about turning 18 she wasn't really to concerned about the age going up .

School was officially over . Which meant Moe could go home and redecorate her apartment she wanted to try something new to match the painting she got . She dropped Melody off and had to go stop by her grandmas house for the glue gun .

"Have you talked to Moe yet" Evangeline asked Monica who was sitting on her couch watching tv . Monica sighed real loud .

"I haven't talked to no one nana , I just wanted some me time"

Evangeline knew what the me time meant it was another word for Monica saying " I'm depressed " . She didn't like seeing her like that and the baby hormones didn't make it better .

"you should at least call up Moe and let her know you okay , I mean you did call cash ... Evangeline trailed on .

"I called cash cause I'm carrying his baby and He did just get out the hospital from me shooting him" Monica snapped .

"Listen little girl I've been being nice not only to you but your sister and Toya hoe ass , but one thing you not gonna do is have an attitude or be disrespectful in my gotdamn house" Evangeline said stomping off . Monica just rolled her eyes . She didn't feel like hearing that , shit she barley felt like being alive .

Moe pulled up to her grandmas house and noticed mr terry outside fixing the lawn .

"Hey grandpa terry" Moe said closing her car door . Mr terry looked up and gave her a big smile .

"Well I'll be damn if it isn't ms gangsta" mr terry said laughing. He took his gloves off and laid them down next to his shovel to get up and give Moe a hug . They talked for about 2 more minutes.

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