Extra shit .

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Excuse grammar errors:

Next morning:

Moe woke up laying naked on top of dice . She leaned up squinting her eyes at the sunlight that was seeping through the truck windows Her head was pounding due to her getting drunk . She moved her leg a little and winced in pain .

She looked down and saw a sleeping dice who had his mouth slightly open . Memories from last night flooded her head . Her eyes grew big remembering what happened. Instead of being loud and making a big deal , she got all her senses together. Yes she was indeed in pain but she needed to get out of that truck ASAP .

She leaned her body forward tryna to get to the front without Waking him up . She successfully got herself to the front . Where her and his clothes was . She carefully but quickly put her dress from last night back on  . She saw her phone in the cup holder and ordered a Uber . She looked in mirror in the front of the passenger seat . She glanced over at dice tall self . He looked so uncomfortable tryna to fit back there . She smirked a little .

After about 5 more minutes her phone chimed causing dice to stir in his sleep . She stopped moving even breathing making sure he didn't wake up . She opened up the truck and tried her best to get out . Her legs where in pain since dice wore her out . She remembered after their first round they did 3 more and fell asleep .

"Oo shit" she winced. Moe was in some pain , her head felt like somebody was punching her constantly in the face and her body felt sore . She finally got out the truck and made sure to close the door softly .

She peeped the blue Honda and knew that was her Uber . She slowly got in and noticed it was a dude - which she wasn't phased by .

"Where to" he asked in his thick Indian accent .

"Martin s. 1703 ave" Moe groggily said . She then leaned her head against the window and took a little nap . Until she got to her destination.

Knock , knock , knock .

Moe banged on Tyler's door , she knew Tyler would help her out with some clothes and a hangover kit . She didn't want to go to her apartment only because she wanted to avoid dice as much as she could . She wanted last night to happen of course but she didn't want dice thinking they were together.

"Moe what is your ass doing here at 8 sum inna fucking morning" Tyler swung the door open walking back into her house .

"Can I crash here for the morning" Moe walked inside the house , closing and locking the door back .

"Ohhh I see - your ass either got pissy drunk or you got some graduation dick" Tyler said leading Moe into her kitchen .

Moe sat at the island . It took her a little minute to get up on the chairs since her body wasn't in the best of shape . Tyler was gathering some things until she examined Moe

"Damn girl if I didn't know better I'll say somebody knocked your ass out"

"Naww just a hangover and some graduation dick or whatever you like to call it" Moe waved her off .

"With who girl was it that fine ass Julez" Tyler smirked . Moe had an blank expression on her face more like annoyed . Tyler peeped that and decided to change the conversation.

"Here drink this" Tyler said giving Moe a smoothie just had hand made. "And after you drink that take a shower it's fresh towels and I'll give you some fresh clothes .

Moe sipped on the handmade smoothie and just stuck her thumb up . Her head was in too much pain to nod . Afterwards she took a shower , put on some fresh clothes Tyler gave her and took 3 Tylenol's then went to sleep in the guest room.
Dice woke up about 30 minutes after Moe left , he noticed she wasn't there . He tried to stretch his long arms out but he couldn't since he was taller then his back seat .

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