Dumb shit

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2months later ..

"Okay ms.Peterson after this week you can take your arm cast off " dr. Gadget gave a paper slip to Moe for her medication .

"Thanks" Moe gave a faint smile . She was low key happy about the cast being off . Graduation was in 2weeks and she didn't want to walk up there to accept her diploma with a broken arm .

Evangeline was waiting for Moe in the waiting area , she had to drive her due to Moes arm being broke.

"You ready" Moe said walking up to her grandmother who was still sitting down . Evangeline nodded her head . She had been ready to go, due to the fact not only did Moe have a doctor visit , Monica had one also.

Evangeline dropped Moe back at the apartment. As she was walking up to her door she was stopped in the hallway by ms Richards nosy ass .

"Hey there baby , how you"

"I'm good , what's up ms Richards you good" Moe rushed . Last night she didn't get much sleep and now she was grumpy and tired . You could even see it on Moes beautiful face , she had bags under her eyes indicating she didn't get much rest .

"I'm fine I'm just out here to tell you.." ms Richards stepped closer and brought her voice to a semi whisper . " it's a big dude in your apartment, I didn't know if you knew him but I'm just looking out for you" ms Richards said . She thought she was slick , all she wanted was for Moe to tell her who it is . But moe was smarter then that .

"Oh really well let me see" Moe said acting confused , she already knew who it was . She unlocked her apartment door and walked inside . She waved at ms Richards leaving her outside .

"Nosy bitch" Moe muttered as she closed and locked the door . She placed her purse and keys down on the table .

"And what the fuck are you over here for, and why the fuck is your game hooked up" Moe asked him . When she left for the doctors this morning he wasn't here , she was also trying to figure out how he got in .

He looked at her but he didn't answer . She shook her head , she decided to be nancy Drew later cause as of right now she was just sleepy . All she wanted was her bed .

"Don't fuck up my living room , I'm going to sleep" Moe said walking into the room closing her door .

"Alright I'll wake you up at 6" dice yelled back .

Yes dice, he would always come over and get comfortable at Moes crib the same night they had to hit a lick . Moe didn't know why because she hated him and he supposedly hated her .

Of course Julez had a mouth full to say about it  , but Moe wasn't really stunting him. Dice wasn't nobody major to her and neither was Julez , he was just someone who had a crush on her . Nothing more nothing less .

She got clothes out her dressers which was located in her closet, to moe it looked way better and made more space for her oversized bed in her room , she hated when stuff looked as if they were clustered . She turned her light on to her bathroom when she saw Julez sitting on the toilet . Speak of the devil.

"WHAT THE FUCK" Moe jumped back hard. He had scared her . Why is he in here? Moe thought . She was growing irritated of both of them. Julez more then dice , he stayed popping up somewhere and acting as him and Moe were married but in reality Julez only snuck up on her to make sure her and dice weren't fucking .

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