confusion type shit

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"May you please tell us your name?- sir . Sir . Sir !! Need cpr stat- don't worry we're going to get you awake in no time" the nurse tapped him on the shoulder as he fell unconscious again .

"$10 on pump eight" dice said to the Indian men who looked to not want to be at work today .

Without saying anything he took the ten and opened the register. Still silence the receipt printed and he slid it to dice showing no interest in the tall frame that stood on the other side of the glass wall .

dice looked down at the receipt and hurried and balled it up as he made his way outside to the car .

"Bout time yo ass was taking a hundred years in that motherfucker" she said as she popped her gum . Dice just side eyed Moe . He didn't have time for her shenanigans .

"don't start that shit" dice said loud enough for Moe to hear . He took the pump off the hook and started pumping the gas . "and why the fuck you out the car anyways. Wanna be seen ass" dice commented.

"anit nobody trying be seen . I was just checking out the surroundings. But you want me to shut up and get my ass in the car . Bet don't fucking talk to me" Moe said as she slammed the passenger door shut.

dice made a face he didn't even tell her to shut the fuck up . She had been real moody lately , he think it's because they've been on the way to New York for almost three days and her period came on the next day .

Only reason it's taking them so long to get where they gotta go - is because dice taking long ways , short ways . Ways that you wouldn't even think about just so they won't get caught .

Dice got done pumping the gas . he put the pump back on the hook . He turned to check his surroundings it was quiet as hell and nobody was insight expect this elderly lady who looked to be about sixty got out her car to go into the gas station.

Dice stopped for a split second and looked at the reflection of him through the window . He was still chocolate and fine he just needed a hair cut bad and also his dick licked or fucked . Something . He felt like he was going crazy . And the situation they were in made him stress even more .

"Nice to meet you" Monica said coming into the office to meet with the Social worker .

The social worker rolled her eyes upward and adjusted her glasses that sat on the bridge of her nose .

"so Monica Peterson ? Correct" the lady asked .

"Yes ma'am, and yours -

"So your kids are in our custody and they have been for almost a week so far , they were found in a van where a men appeared covered in blood , shot up bad" the lady explained cutting Monica off .

Monica gapped her mouth open a little.

"Well by the look on your face I'm guessing you didn't know that part huh?" The lady said .

"N-no ma'am" Monica struggled to speak .

"mmh . How did you know we have your unsupervised kids in our care?"

"I didn't . But my brother works for the city and he was able to found out where the hospital placed my kids . And it came to this social care agency" Monica lied . Some dude named lee worked for the city and also drew them . He was in some debt to pay them back so , Cody cashed it in for lee to find out where the babies were .

"Mmh . So what do you want" the lady asked clicking on the mouse that connected to her computer . She seemed to be opening files .

"What do you mean . I want my children" Monica glared at the lady .

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