Real shit .

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        Moe smile had faded . It instantly turned into a mug as her mother Michelle stood before her looking raggedy like she had been on the street for a long time.

Her long beautiful hair looked out of place , her brown skin looked like it needed a wash . Bad. She sported a oversize black shirt . That looked ruff upped , with blue tights on showing off her butt . Moe even noticed the duffle bag . It wasn't a big one since Michelle had only a little bit of things .

"What do you want Michelle" moe said Rudely.

Michelle was a little taken back from Moes response. How could she talk to her that way . I'm her mother. Michelle thought .

"Can I come in"

Moe opened the door wider giving her lead way to walk in . Michelle walked in and sat on the all black couch . It smelt good inside the apartment, it wasn't dirty like the outside of the building. It was cleaned up well and smelt of cleaning products . Moe stood up across from her with her arm folded . Leaning on the wall .

It was an awkward silence until Moe spoke up .

"Michelle where you been , I really hope you wasn't over there with jimmy.... Moe blabbered on .

"NO , I wasn't" Michelle lied . She was indeed over there with jimmy . Her and jimmy were supposedly together he was the one that put Michelle on drugs ,Moe hated him for that she felt like he took her mother away...

"Well Michelle what's up then if you haven't been with jimmy what you want?" Moe said getting straight to the point .

Michelle fiddled with her fingers a little bit . "I heard Monica was pregnant and that I was going to be a grandmother . I wanted to see her"

Moe rolled her eyes hard . It seem like everyone in fucking America knew Monica was pregnant expect her .

"Yeah well she's not here, and if that's what you came for then you made a blank trip"

"Moria I am your mother and I don't like how your speaking to me"

This bitch thinks she's a mother?

"It's Moe my name is Moe , and you call yourself a mother ,On the street doing what only gods know , I take care of myself , not you ME So I get to speak to you however I want . If you don't like it fuck up out of my apartment" Moe said . She had been wanting to get that off her chest for a while .

Michelle was lost for words .everything Moe had spoke were straight facts she knew she wasn't a good mother nor parent she was never there for them .

"I get it your upset so I'll leave" Michelle said getting up to leave .

"Yeah you do that" Moe muttered . Her mother left and she locked the door right behind Michelle. She thought of what just happened, she needed to talk to Monica ASAP .
2weeks later .

Moe was chilling at melody's house .Melody lived in wynwood just 2 streets down from where Moe apartment was .

"Have you talked to Monica" melody asked concerned .

"No and as of right now that bitch could stay where she at I don't need her" Moe said calmly as possible she really wanted to scream but kept it bottled in .

"She's prolly all in cash ass right now she'll come around" melody reassured her .

Melodys door had busted open and their stood her fine ass brother polo . Polo was brown skinned , about 5.11 .He was built slim with beautiful face features . He was all that .He didn't have many tattoos just one that decorated his face. It was above his eye .roaria . Which was his babymomma name , Moe called him stupid for about a year for getting it . Who pussy was that good to get a bitch name tatted . Moe would say .

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