Welcome type shit

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"Oh my she is so precious" ms Fran cooed at the new born . She weighed 5 pounds and 17 ounces .

"Thank you mama" Tyler said .

Tyler had finally had the baby 4:00 that morning. Of course Drew was there . He was more than excited to welcome his baby girl . Melody didn't care she was just happy Tyler had a smooth delivery. All honesty she was wrapped in the new things Drew was giving her .

He gifted Melody a new Benz all white , dark tints with Carmel leather seats . She even moved out of her mom house a day after New Years and in with Drew . She finally made peace with him having a baby with Tyler . She was getting everything she wanted and felt like sometimes man makes mistakes and maybe it was in gods plan for baby "lani" to be here .

Drew had just left maybe 30 minutes ago to pick up Melody .

the door bust open revealing Monica , candy and Moe . As they walked in so did what looked to be a hundred balloons and a very big basket filled with goodies for Tyler ....

"So Tyler when we're you gonna to tell us about James yo" candy joked .

They saw James just standing by the door with all the gifts - he looked to be scared to go in , until the girls walked up.

"Hi" James said as he sat the gigantic basket on the chair and tied to the balloons to the end of the hospital bed .

"Hi" Tyler shyly replied .

"Well damn bitch I know you see us" Moe said .

"Hi y'all" Tyler rolled her eyes and smiled .

"So this who you smashing now or" candy asked .

"Fuck all that ms fran May I please see the baby" Monica asked . Ms fran was rocking the baby in the chair right next to Tyler's bed .

"You gots to wash your hands first" she told Monica . Monica nodded and headed to the bathroom . When she came out ms fran gently passed the sleepy infant to her .

Monica adjusted the baby in her arms as she paid close attention to the babies features . She was beautiful already . Usually babies look half developed but Tyler's baby was sound asleep with her big lips puckered out looking so pretty .

"Oh yea Tyler , you did that" Monica commented .

"Thank you . Shit hurt but I did it" Tyler sighed . "And thank you for my gifts James you didn't have too" Tyler said eyeing him .

James was fine indeed . He was 6'2 Carmel skin , big eyes , waves and a full beard that actually connected . He was tatted up on both arms with beautiful teeth and pretty dark brown eyes . His lips was even big one of Tyler's biggest turn ons . But James was no thug . He was a business man .

"I know I didn't have too" he said as he stood up . He went over to Tyler who looked tired but still pretty . He bent down and kissed her Forhead . "I wanted too . I'll see you and the baby later . I got business to attend too" he said in a whisper as he leaned up . Tyler nodded . James walked out and the girls watched him . As soon as the door closed ....


"Bitchhhhhhh" Moe and candy said to each other .

"Hey language" ms fran said looking up from her phone .

"Sorry" they both said .

"No but for real"Monica said handing the baby back to Tyler . "He is fine and looks clean. You should've made him your baby daddy" Monica laughed . Even ms fran giggled .

"Oh ma don't be laughing with these thots . My baby daddy is who he is . And I wouldn't trade lani for the world" Tyler said caressing the baby's hand .

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