good and bullshit

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"All rise" the men yelled .

Monica Quickly stood up next to her lawyer who would be representing her . After two long weeks of no sleep , paper work , rejections. Monica finally made it to Children's court .

Moe , mr terry and Evangeline were present . Monica did reach out to cash but he just left her on read .

"Ok Monica Peterson correct?" The judge asked .

"Yes ma'am" Monica said nervously.

"And lashay Nickerson will represent you on this evening correct" the judge asked eyeing mrs Nickerson.

"Yes your honor" mrs Nickerson responded .

"Ok well" the judge grabbed a file from the lady standing next to her .

" you left your kids abandon , how would you plead"

"Not guilty" Monica answered .

Monica was so damn nervous . Her psalms were sweating and her stomach was turning . She hadn't got much sleep that night because she was so scared of the outcome . All she wanted was her babies back . Nothing else mattered.

The judge and mrs Nickerson went back and forth about how Monica is a great mom and she should have her kids back in her care .

"You see your honor . Monica was working when she felt like she could trust the father of her children to watch them" mrs Nickerson explained .

"Where is he now?" The Judge asked .

Before Monica could answer the crooks from the door filled the court . Only to reveal Tj . He quickly sat down . Evangeline looked at Moe and Moe looked at Monica . Confused as hell . Mr terry just put his head down . He already knew what was up with tj and Monica . How he had been back for almost a month . He would duck in and outta of the house from time to time . Nobody seen him but grandpa terry .

"Um he's not in my life . He's getting his self together" Monica answered .

"Will you consider him being back in the babies lives" the judge asked .

"No your honor . Monica has no plans of the father being back" mrs Nickerson answered .

"Ok than" the judge said . Everything got silent . Almost as if Monica was holding her breath .

The judge passed the lady back the file and collected a piece of paper work from her .

"Monica I have granted you the rights of your children back" the judge said .

Tears just started falling from Monica's face . She was so blessed and happy . Even Evangeline started crying . Moe and grandpa terry just smiled .

"You will get Craig and cashawn back under conditions" the judge continued. "Here's this piece of paper that your lawyer will receive. The father of kids has to sign this , terminating his rights to the kids . No signature no babies . Also you will be drugged tested for up to six months . And surprised visits will be up to a year for both kids . Do you understand " the judge asked .

"Y-yes" Monica said . She was in deep thought not about the surprised visits or the drug tests but how in the hell was she going to get cash to sign the paper . She didn't even wanna talk to him .

"I'm surprised you came out after the little accident" Monica said chewing on her food .

After court & finally getting the rest of the paperwork Monica and Moe decided to go out to eat . Monica was so overwhelmed & happy . She had butterflies in her stomach . She was just happy to be getting her kids back .

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