Broken hearts and lies

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4 days later ....


His voice broke .

"Oh baby no" Moe said as she sat up in their bed . "I'm on the way - say nomore"

Moe texted Monica . It was almost 2 in the morning. November 15th dices mom - Olivia Gomez passed away .

Of course Moe quickly got ready getting to her man as quickly as possible .

Cody and Drew came to support dice in his time of need . The rest of the boys sent their prayers and love to dice .

Losing his mom was hard and it didn't feel right to him . It felt like a dream but not a good dream more of a nightmare .

Dice remembered him and his moms memories. How she made him the man he is today , how she hustled just to feed her kids and dice always promised her he would return the favor when he got older - which he did . He wish he had more time his mom was only fifty . She had just turn fifty the summer that passed . That's what hurt dice more - he didn't have enough time with her , he wish he called her everyday , he wished he stayed under her - he wished a lot but to bad it was to late for wishing .

Moe did not leave dice side . She stayed with him all morning and night after they left the hospital. It was harder on Moe because she had to watch her mouth and actions around dice at the time . She knew he was hurt and vulnerable.

She watched his surroundings , laid under him , cried with him , hugged up she even prayed with dice . She wanted to make sure he knew she was there for him no matter what .

Dice was thankful for Moe . She was a real female for playing her role and not being selfish and making everything about her . Dice loved Moe even more for protecting him and comforting him in his time of need .

The funeral was going to be Saturday. His brother and sister already decided . Dice wasn't having that at all he didn't understand how they were so calm and trying to bury her so fast .
Moe did most of the talking to his brother and sister . She knew dice would snap on their decisions . Until than Moe and dice would stay out the way and under each other until the funeral .

"what first time mother does not have a baby shower" jatavia snapped .

"Me bitch" Nicki snapped back getting aggravated with the old lady .

"aye watch yo mouf girl that's my mama you talking too" Cody said .

"Listen I don't want to be disrespectful but I don't want a baby shower . If I decide to have one - my mom and sister will plan it and pick the guest list until than leave me alone about the baby shower" Nicki said rolling her eyes .

"Cody you gonna let her do this" jatavia said sticking her finger up pointing at Nicki.

"IS HE GONNA LET ME DO THIS" Nicki started getting loud which was rarely . Nicki was not no loud female at all . "HE NOT MY DAMN DADDY AND YOU NOT MY DAMN MAMA - I didn't even want the fucking baby all this" Nicki pointed at her stomach. "Is all fucking Cody's doing" Nicki frowned .

"It takes two" Cody reassured her .

"Shut the fuck up I didn't ask you" Nicki gave him the most meanest look .

"You know what - okay little girl you don't want the baby shower - okay . You don't need to be stressed" jatavia huffed as she grabbed her bag about to leave . "Walk me out son" jatavia said putting her glasses on as she sized Nicki once over . Nicki rolled her eyes at Cody's mom as she rubbed her stomach .

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